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Randomised trial of epirubicin versus fluorouracil in advanced gastric cancer: An International Collaborative Cancer Group (ICCG) study
Authors:Coombes, R. C.   Chilvers, C. E. D.   Amadori, D.   Medi, F   Fountzilas, G.   Rauschecker, H.   Vassilopoulos, P.   Ferreira, E. Pinto   Vannozzi, G.   Bliss, J. M.   Woods, E.   Wils, J.
Affiliation:1Medical Oncology Unit, Charing Cross Hospital London
2Institute of Cancer Research Sutton, Surrey, UK
3Ospedale GB Morgagni-L Pierantoni, Forli
4Istituto Patologia Chirurgica Pisa, Italy
5Ahepa University Hospital Thessaloniki, Greece
6Chirurgische Universitats-Klinik Gottingen, Germany
7Saint Savvas Anti-Cancer Institute Athens, Greece
8Instituto Portugues de Oncologia Oporto, Portugal
9Unita Operativa di Gastroenterologia USL 10D Florence, Italy
10St. Laurentius Ziekenhuis Roermond, The Netherlands
Abstract:Background: It is not yet established whether doses of epirubicinequitoxic to adriamycin are more effective in the treatmentof locally advanced or metastatic gastric cancer. Patients and methods: Seventy patients with advanced gastriccancer were randomised to receive fluorouracil (500 mg/m2 days1–5 every three weeks) or epirubicin (100 mg/ m2 everythree weeks), with doses escalating to a maximum dose of 700mg/m2 of fluorouracil or 140 mg/m2 of epirubic Results: No patients attained complete response. Partial responsewas seen in 3 patients in the epirubicin arm (8%) compared with2 patients in the fluorouracil arm (6%). No statistically significantdifference between the two treatments was seen in either responseor survival. Severe side effects, particularly alopecia, andnausea and vomiting were more common in the epirubicin arm (45%and 37%, respectively) compared with the fluorouracil arm (12%and 8%, respectively). Conclusions: Our trial demonstrates that fluorouracil and epirubicinas single agents have comparable but insufficient activity inadvanced gastric cancer. stomach cancer, chemotherapy, anthracycline
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