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Uterine rupture in first or second trimester of pregnancy after in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer
Authors:Arbab, F.   Boulieu, D.   Bied, V.   Payan, F.   Lornage, J.   Guerin, J.F.
Affiliation:1Service de Gynécologie, Pavilion L, Hôpital E.Herriot Lyon, 69437, France 2Laboratoire dc Biologie de la Reproduction, Pavilion L, Hopital E.Herriot Lyon, 69437, France
Abstract:We report five cases of early rupture of cornual pregnancy withhistory of previous salpingectomy and cornual resection followingin-vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer. We discussthe predisposing factors, diagnostic and therapeutic modalitiesin these patients. A high index of suspicion is required foran early diagnosis. It is imperative that the physicians whocare for the patients be fully aware of the possibility of sucha complication in a high risk population; therefore, appropriatecounselling and close follow-up might help to avoid such obstetricalcatastrophes, by termination of pregnancy, either surgicallyor medically.
Keywords:comual pregnancy/in-vitro fertilization/placenta percreta/salpingectomy/uterine rupture
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