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  Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (GN) is one of the harrowingchallenges in nephrology. The condition is histologically characterizedby extracapillary proliferation with crescent formation. Mostcrescentic glomerulonephritides occur in systemic autoimmunediseases and require prompt immunosuppressive treatment. Occasionally,patients with crescentic GN may be diagnosed with an additionallife-threatening disease, namely malignant neoplasms. Immunosuppressivedrugs may promote such malignancies. However, some patientsare initially diagnosed with both diseases, suggesting a moreintimate relationship between crescentic glomerulonephritisand malignancies. We recently encountered a 68-year-old man, referred to us fromthe urology department because of an increasing serum creatinine.He had initially presented with intermittent haematuria a monthearlier. Cystoscopy revealed an exophytic bladder tumour thatwas resected. Histological examination (Figure 1)

Crescentic glomerulonephritis and malignancy--guilty or guilt by association?
Authors:Sibylle von Vietinghoff  Wolfgang Schneider  Friedrich C Luft  Ralph Kettritz
Affiliation:Medical Faculty of the Charité, Franz Volhard Clinic, Department of Pathology, HELIOS Klinikum-Berlin, Wiltbergstrasse 50, 13122 Berlin, Germany.
Abstract:  Introduction
Keywords:ANCA   crescentic glomerulonephritis   malignancy
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