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引用本文:刘洋,李星萍,韩江琴,柯梓,朱洪航,陈付艳. 针刺治疗脑卒中后吞咽障碍的临床研究进展[J]. 中医药信息, 2023, 40(7): 86-90
作者姓名:刘洋  李星萍  韩江琴  柯梓  朱洪航  陈付艳
摘    要:脑卒中后吞咽障碍(post-stroke dysphagic,PSD)是脑卒中后常见的并发症之一,其发病机制常与皮质吞咽中枢损伤、下行传导纤维以及锥体外系受损有关。吞咽功能的减退会导致患者出现营养不良、电解质紊乱和免疫力减退等病理状态,严重时可因误吸而导致吸入性肺炎,对患者的生理功能和病后康复造成巨大影响。针灸已被广泛应用于PSD的治疗,对于患者吞咽功能的恢复,神经通路的重建以及日常生活的自理能力等方面具有良好的改善作用。本文通过对近年来针刺治疗PSD的临床研究进行查阅筛选,发现针刺方法丰富多样,包括了电针、头针、眼针、穴位注射、常规针刺以及各种特色针法。针刺选穴以颈项部腧穴为主,常用穴位包括廉泉、风池、金津、玉液和翳风穴等。

关 键 词:卒中后吞咽障碍;研究进展;针刺治疗

Clinical Research Progress of Acupuncture in Treating Post-Stroke Dysphagia
Abstract:Post-stroke dysphagia(PSD) is one of the common complications after stroke,and the reduced swallowing function can lead to malnutrition,electrolyte disorders and immune deficiency,and even aspiration pneumonia in severe cases,which can have a great impact on the physiological function and post-stroke recovery.The pathogenesis mechanism of PSD is related with the damage of swallowing center,descending conduction fibre and extrapyramidal system.Acupuncture has been widely used for the treatment of PSD,which has a good effect on the recovery of swallowing function,the reconstruction of neural pathways and the improvement of activities of daily living.A review of recent clinical studies on the treatment of PSD with acupuncture revealed a variety of acupuncture methods,including electro-acupuncture,scalp acupuncture,ophthalmic acupuncture,acupoint injection,conventional acupuncture,and various specific acupuncture methods.The acupoints chosen are mainly around neck and nape,the commonly used acupoints include Lianquan(RN23),Fengchi(GB20),Jinjin and Yuye(EX-HN12) and Yifeng(SJ17).
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