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引用本文:刘晓静,龚小虎,王莉,张征,林艺. 乌鲁木齐市7~18岁汉族学生30年营养状况动态分析[J]. 中国学校卫生, 2017, 38(9): 1311. DOI: 10.16835/j.cnki.1000-9817.2017.09.009
作者姓名:刘晓静  龚小虎  王莉  张征  林艺
摘    要:分析乌鲁木齐市7~ 18岁汉族学生1985-2014年30年营养状况动态变化,为制定学生相关的营养干预政策提供依据.方法 数据来源于1985-2014年6次全国学生体质健康调研资料,采用《学龄儿童青少年营养不良筛查》标准筛查学生生长迟缓和消瘦,采用“中国学龄儿童少年超重肥胖筛查BMI分类标准”筛查超重和肥胖.结果 1985-2014年,乌鲁木齐市学生营养不良的检出率大幅下降,城男、城女、乡男、乡女营养不良检出率分别由1985年的32.8%,26.1%,30.6%,24.0%下降到2014年的5.2%,8.2%,8.8%,9.7%,乡村的下降幅度高于城市;营养过剩的检出率大幅提升,城男、城女、乡男、乡女营养过剩检出率分别由1985年的0.7%,1.0%,0.8%,0.8%上升为2014年的42.2%,23.2%,31.2%,17.5%,男生上升幅度大于女生;小学段城市男生的营养状况变化幅度最为明显.结论 乌鲁木齐市学生营养状况自1985年以来得到较大的改善,并与全国学生营养状况的改善趋势一致,乡村学生营养不良和营养过剩的双向改善应得到进一步的重视,需要重点关注7~ 12岁城市小学生的营养过剩问题.

关 键 词:营养状况   人体质量指数   超重   学生

Dynamic changes of nutritional status among Han students aged 7-18 years in Urumqi over the last 3 decades
Abstract:Objective To analyze the dynamic change of nutritional status among Han students aged 7-18 in Urumqi over the last 30 years,and to provide basis for relevant nutrition intervention policy.Methods Data came from 6 consecutive surveys in Urumqi,which was part of Chinese National Surveillance on Student's Health and Physical Fitness from 1985 to 2014.Screening Standard for Malnutrition of School-age Children and Adolescents (2014) was used to assess growth retardation and stunting,while WGOC-BMI was used to screen overweight and obesity.Results Detection rate of stunting,growth retardation and malnutrition decreased greatly from 1985 to 2014,from 32.8%,26.1%,30.6%,and 24.0% in 1985 to 5.2%,8.2%,8.8%,and 9.7% in 2014 for urban boys and girls,rural boys and girls,respectively.The decrease was relatively greater in rural students than in urban students.The detection rate of overweight obesity and over-nutrition increased greatly from 0.7%,1.0%,0.8%,and 0.8% in 1985 to 42.2%,23.2%,31.2%,and 17.5% in 2014 for urban boys and girls,rural boys and girls,respectively.The increasement was higher in boys than in girls.Significant increase of over-nutrition was noticed among primary school students in urban area of Urumqi.Conclusion Nutritional status among students in Urumqi has been greatly improved during the last 3 decades,which is consistent with the national trend.The comorbid phenomenon in malnutrition and over-nutrition increase among rural areas should take further notice.Attention should also be paid on over-nutrition prevalence in urban areas.
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