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Electroconvulsive therapy,depression, the immune system and inflammation: A systematic review
Authors:Antoine Yrondi  Marie Sporer  Patrice Péran  Laurent Schmitt  Christophe Arbus  Anne Sauvaget
Affiliation:1. Psychiatric Department, CHU Toulouse-Purpan, 330 Avenue de Grande Bretagne, 31059 Toulouse, France;2. Toulouse NeuroImaging Center, ToNIC, University of Toulouse, Inserm, UPS, France;3. CHU Nantes, Addictology and Liaison Psychiatry Department, Neuromodulation Unit in Psychiatry, Nantes, France


The management and treatment of major depressive disorder are major public health challenges, the lifetime prevalence of this illness being 4.4%–20% in the general population. Major depressive disorder and treatment resistant depression appear to be, in part, related to a dysfunction of the immune response. Among the treatments for depression ECT occupies an important place. The underlying cerebral mechanisms of ECT remain unclear.


The aim of this review is to survey the potential actions of ECT on the immuno-inflammatory cascade activated during depression.


A systematic search of the literature was carried out, using the bibliographic search engines PubMed and Embase. The search covered articles published up until october 2017.The following MESH terms were used: Electroconvulsive therapy AND (inflammation OR immune OR immunology).


Our review shows that there is an acute immuno-inflammatory response immediately following an ECT session. There is an acute stress reaction. Studies show an increase in the plasma levels of cortisol and of interleukins 1 and 6. However, at the end of the course of treatment, ECT produces, in the long term, a fall in the plasma level of cortisol, a reduction in the levels of TNF alpha and interleukin 6.


One of the limitations of this review is that a large number of studies are relatively old, with small sample sizes and methodological bias.


Advances in knowledge of the immuno-inflammatory component of depression seem to be paving the way towards models to explain the mechanism of action of ECT.
Keywords:Depressive disorder  Inflammation  ECT  Immune  Cortisol  ACTH  Adrenocorticotropic hormone  AVP  arginine vasopressin  BDI  Beck Depression Inventory  BL-BT  Bilateral-Bitemporal  BP  Bipolar Disorders  CMI test  serotonin uptake inhibitor clomipramine  CNS  Central Nervous System  Con A  concanavalin A  CORT  cortisol  CPRS  Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale  CRF  corticotropin releasing factor  CRH  corticotropin releasing hormone  CRP  C-Reactiv Protein  CSF  Cerabro Spinal Fluid  cyclic AMP  cyclic adenosine monophosphate  DC  Direct Current  DST  dexamethasone suppression test  ECT  electroconvulsive treatment  FSH  follicle stimulating hormone  GH  growth hormone  HAL test  dopamine receptor blocker haloperidol  HAM-D  Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression  Hb%  hemoglobin  HC  Healthy Control  HK  Hydroxykynurenine  IDO  indole-amine 2, 3-dioxygenase  IFN  interferon  IL  interleukine  KYN  kynurenine  KYNA  kynurenic acid  LH  luteinizing hormone  LPS  lipopolysaccharide  MADRS  Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale  MCH  mean corpuscular hemoglobin  MCHC  mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration  MCV  mean corpuscular volume  MD  Major Depression  MDD  Major Depressive Disorders  MHPG  metabolite, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl-glycol  MINI  Mini International Neuropsychiatric Instrument 5.0.0  MMPs  Matrix metalloproteinases  NA  Noradrenaline  NF-kB  nuclear factor-kappa-B  NGF  Nerve Growth Factor  NKCA  natural killer cell activity  NO  Nitric oxide  NSE  Neuron-specific enolase  PDPC  post dexamethasone plasma cortisol  PHA-P  phytoaemagglutinin-P  PRL  Prolactin  QUIN  quinolinic acid  RBC  red blood cell  RIA  radioimmunoassay  S-100b  S-100b protein  SADS-L  Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia-Lifetime Version  SCL-90  Symptom Checklist-90 Depression dimension  TIMPs  tissue inhibitors of MMPs  TLC and DLC  total and differential leukocyte count  TNF  Tumor Necrosis Factor  TRH  thyrotropinreleasing hormone  TRP  Tryptophan  TSH  thyrotrophin  TSPO  Translocator Protein  UFC  Urinary free cortisol
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