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The organization of the retinal projection to the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus in pigmented and albino rats
Authors:R D Lund  J S Lund  R P Wise
Abstract:The retina maps over the dorsolateral and posterior surfaces of the contralateral dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of albino and pigmented rats, such that the upper retina projects posteriorly and the lower retina projects over the dorsolateral surface. Nasal retina projects ventrolaterally and temporal retina dorsomedially. From the surface, lines of projection (demonstrated after either localised retinal or visual cortical lesions) tend to run deep and anteriorly within the nucleus. The area covered by the uncrossed optic pathway differs between pigmented and albino rats. In the pigmented animals it extends no more than 60° from the edge of the visual field represented in the crossed projection, while in albino animals it extends as far as 100° or more. The uncrossed projection in the albino strains tends to be deficient posteriorly (upper retinal representation) and dorsomedially, and the overall density is less than that found in the pigmented animals. Small lesions localised in the extreme peripheral temporal retina of both albino and pigmented rats have always produced degeneration in the contralateral as well as ipsilateral geniculate, even though some of the lesions map only as far as, or within the peripheral 20° on the contralateral colliculus. Most of these lesions in the albino rats give two patches of uncrossed degeneration in the geniculate with at least one focus of degeneration in the contralateral geniculate. Those made in the lower temporal retina of the albino rat give in addition to the uncrossed patches, two areas of crossed degeneration in the geniculate separated by about 50° in terms of visual field projection. These double projection aberrations do not occur in pigmented animals. The suggestion is offered that in albino rats the retina of each eye maps totally on the contralateral lateral geniculate nucleus. However, the vertical midline of the visual field is represented at about 40–50° from the medial edge of the nucleus. A normal (but sparse) uncrossed pathway maps lateral to this position, but also maps in duplicate medial to it. In addition, it appears that some crossed axons may also be abnormal in their termination, and project to both sides of the vertical meridian. If the above interpretation is correct, the anomalies of the albino rat may derive from a confusion of attempting both field and retinotopic maps on the same nucleus. The possibility exists that a comparable total crossed retinogeniculate projection exists in pigmented animals but that the retina temporal to the vertical midline projection is restricted in its connection to a small band on the medial border of the contralateral nucleus.
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