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引用本文:乔正茂,马文龙,仝允辉. 平乐郭氏正骨伤科用药简析[J]. 河南中医药学刊, 2011, 0(4): 395-397
作者姓名:乔正茂  马文龙  仝允辉
作者单位:[1]安徽中医学院,安徽合肥230038 [2]洛阳正骨医院,河南洛阳471002
摘    要:目的:总结平乐郭氏正骨治疗骨伤病的经验。方法:从骨伤病的早、中、晚三期着手,辨证分型论治。早期:多为瘀血实证,治宜攻破,若为出血过多或亡血,则宜补而兼行。中期:肿痛减而未尽,瘀血尚有存留,新骨未长,应用“和”法,以调和气血,通经活络,去瘀生新,接骨续筋。后期:多为气血亏损,营卫不和,感受内因、外因而并病,故用药应以和营卫,补气血,健脾益肾,通利关节。结果:采用三期辨证分型内外治法相结合,效果显著。结论:平乐郭氏正骨治疗骨伤病疗效确切。

关 键 词:平乐郭氏正骨  骨伤科  活血舒肝汤  复元通利散  健步虎潜丸

Synopsis of Orthopedics and Traumatology Medication of the Guos in Pingle
Affiliation:Qiao Zheng-mao Ma Wen-long Gong Yun-hui( Anhui College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hefei,Anhui,China 230038 Orthopedics and Traumatology Hospita of Luoyang,Luoyang,Henan,China )
Abstract:Objective:To summarize the experiences of the Guos in treating diseases of orthopedics and traumatology. Methods:The bone injuries were differentiated and treated from the engagement of early stage, metaphase and advanced stage. For the early stage, it was mainly blood stagnation syndrome and purging therapy should be used. If there was excessive bleeding or blood collapse, simultaneous application of purging - tonifying therapy should be used. For the metaphase, the swelling pain decreased but was not cured. The blood stagnation still persisted without newly grown bones. The demulcent therapy should be used to harmonize qi and blood, dredge the merid- ian passage, eliminate blood stasis and promote tissue regeneration and reunion of bone. For the advanced stage, it was mainly deficiency of both qi and blood, disharmony between nutrient qi and defensive qi, and more easily accessible of internal and external pathogenic factors. So the medication should harmonize the nutrient qi and defensive qi, reinforcing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and kid- ney, and smoothing joint movement. Results:The combination of three phase differentiation and interior and exterior treatment showed marked efficacy. Conclusion :The therapeutic effect of the Guos is significant in treating diseases of orthooedies and traumatology.
Keywords:bone setting of the Guos in Pingle  orthopedic department  Huoxue Shugan Decoction  Fuyuan Tongli Powder  Jianbu Huqian piu
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