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引用本文:李学勇. 辨证治疗高血压病临床观察[J]. 河南中医药学刊, 2012, 0(10): 1333-1334
摘    要:目的:探讨辨证治疗高血压病的临床疗效。方法:260例高血压病患者中肝阳上亢证98例,治以清肝泻火、平肝潜阳,方用龙胆泻肝汤合天麻钩藤饮(方药组成:龙胆草10 g,栀子10 g,黄芩12 g,天麻20 g,钩藤15 g,生石决明20 g,川牛膝20 g,杜仲15 g,夜交藤30 g,甘草5 g)治疗;肝肾阴虚证102例,治以滋补肝肾、平肝潜阳,方用杞菊地黄丸(方药组成:枸杞子20 g,熟地黄25 g,山药30 g,牡丹皮10 g,菊花15 g,生龙骨、生牡蛎各20 g,杜仲15 g,川牛膝15 g,桑寄生20 g,甘草6 g)治疗;痰湿内盛证20例,治以祛痰化湿、升清降浊,方用半夏白术天麻汤加减(方药组成:制半夏12 g,白术15 g,天麻10 g,石菖蒲10 g,远志12 g,郁金15 g,陈皮12 g,竹茹15 g,茯苓20 g,薏苡仁15 g,甘草6 g)治疗;瘀血内停证15例,治以益气养血、化瘀通络,方用血府逐瘀汤合补阳还五汤(方药组成:柴胡10 g,黄芪20 g,当归12 g,川芎9 g,桃仁9 g,红花9 g,地龙20 g,川牛膝20 g,川续断20 g,杜仲12 g,甘草6 g)治疗;肾阳虚衰证25例,治以温补肾阳,方用金匮肾气丸合右归丸(方药组成:制附子9 g,肉桂6g,熟地黄20 g,山茱萸12 g,山药20 g,泽泻10 g,牡丹皮12 g,茯苓15 g,仙茅12 g,淫羊藿15 g,甘草6 g)治疗。结果:通过中医辨证治疗260例患者中显效221例占85%,有效26例占10%,无效13例占5%,有效率为95%。结论:辨证治疗高血压病疗效显著。

关 键 词:高血压病  辨证论治  龙胆泻肝汤  天麻钩藤饮  杞菊地黄丸  半夏白术天麻汤  血府逐瘀汤  补阳还五汤  金匮肾气丸  右归丸

Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Hypertension with Syndrome Differentiation
Li Xueyong. Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Hypertension with Syndrome Differentiation[J]. Journal of Henan college of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2012, 0(10): 1333-1334
Authors:Li Xueyong
Affiliation:Li Xueyong People′s Hospital of Wuzhi Country,Wuzhi,Henan,China 454950
Abstract:Objective:To observe the clinical effect of syndrome differentiation in the treatment of hypertension.Methods:260 patients of hypertension were divided into 5 syndromes.The syndrome of ascendan hyperactivity of liver yang(98 cases) was treated by clearing liver-fire and suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding,with Longdan Xiegan decoction and Tianma Gouteng yin.(Composion:Getian 10 g,Gardenia 10 g,Skullcap 12 g,Gastrodia elata 20 g,Uncaria rhynchophylla 15 g,Raw abalone shell 20 g,Chuan cattle paint 20 g,Eucommia ulmoides oliv 15 g,Tuber fleeceflower stem 30 g,Glycyrrhizae 5 g).The syndrome of liver-kidney yin deficiency(102 cases) was treated by nourishing liver and kidney and suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding.with Qiju dihuang pills(Composion:The fruit of Chinese wolfberry 20 g,Radix rehmanniae preparata 25 g,Chinese yam 30 g,The peony bark 10 g,Chrysanthemum 15 g,Crude dragonbone 20 g,Raw oyster shell20 g,Eucommia ulmoides oliv 15 g,Chuan cattle paint 15 g,Parasitic loranthus 20 g,Glycyrrhizae 6 g).The syndrome of phlegm-dampness internal exuberance(20 cases) was treated by expelling phlegm and resolving dampness and upraising purity and descend turbidness,with modified Banxia Baizhu Tianma decoction(Composion:Processed rhizoma Pinelliae 12 g,Rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae 15 g,Gastrodia elata 10 g,Rhizoma acori graminei 10 g,Polygala tenuifolia 12 g,Radix curcumae 15 g,Pericarpium citri reticulatae 12 g,Bamboo shavings 15 g,Poria cocos 20 g,Semen coicis 15 g,Glycyrrhizae 6 g).The syndrome of static blood stasis in the interior(15 cases)was treated by benifiting qi for nourishing blood and expelling blood stasis and dredging collaterals,with Xuefu Zhuyu decoction and Buyang Huanwu decoction.(Composion:Radix bupleuri 10 g,Astragalus mongholicus 20 g,Angelica sinensis 12 g,Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort 9 g,Peach seed 9 g,Red flower 9 g,Earthwarm 20 g,Chuan cattle paint 20 g,Teasel 20 g,Eucommia ulmoides oliv 12 g,Glycyrrhizae 6 g).The syndrome of kidney yang deficiency(25 cases)was treated by warmly invigorating kidney yang,with Jinkui Shenqi pills and Yougui pills.(Composion:Processed Radix Aconiti Lateralis 9 g,Cinnamon 6 g,Radix Rehmanniae Preparata 20 g,Dogwood 12 g,Chinese yam 20 g,rhizoma alismatis 10 g,The peony bark 12 g,Poria cocos 15 g,Rhizoma curculiginis 12 g,Herba epimedii 15 g,Glycyrrhizae 6 g).Results:85%(221 cases) had excellent effects;10%(26 cases) were effective;5%(13 cases)were noneffective and the effective rate was 95% by treatment based on syndrome differentiation.Conclusion:Treatment based on syndrome differentiation has a significant curative effect on hypertension.
Keywords:hypertension  treatment based on syndrome differentiation  longdan xiegan decoction  tianma gouteng yin  qiju dihuang pills  banxia baizhu tianma decoction  xuefu zhuyu decoction  buyang huanwu decoction  jinkui shenqi pills  yougui pills
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