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Antibioprophylaxie pour césarienne : modification des pratiques et administration avant incision,enquête de faisabilité auprès des pédiatres du réseau de santé périnatale d’Auvergne (RSPA)
Authors:M. Rambourdin  M. Bonnin  B. Storme  A. Brunhes  B. Boeuf  S. Kauffmann  H. Pinheiro  L. Vernis  B. Lavergne  D. Gallot  F. Vendittelli  J.E. Bazin
Affiliation:1. Anesthésie-réanimation, pôle gynécologie obstétrique et reproduction humaine, hôpital Estaing, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 1, place Lucie-Aubrac, 63003 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1, France;2. Pédiatrie, hôpital Estaing, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 1, place Lucie-Aubrac, 63003 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1, France;3. Bloc obstétrical, pôle gynécologie obstétrique et reproduction humaine, hôpital Estaing, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 1, place Lucie-Aubrac, 63003 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1, France;4. Réseau de santé périnatale d’Auvergne (RSPA), pôle gynécologie obstétrique et reproduction humaine, hôpital Estaing, CHU de Clermont-Ferrand, 1, place Lucie-Aubrac, 63003 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 1, France;5. AUDIPOG, 8, rue Guillaume-Paradin, 69372 Lyon cedex 08, France


To describe the knowledge of paediatricians regarding the practice of antimicrobial prophylaxis for caesarean section in reference to the Consensus Conference of the French Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care (SFAR) and assess the feasibility of a change in attitude (injection of the antibiotic prior to incision) among paediatricians Perinatal Health Network of Auvergne (RSPA) working in maternity.

Study design

Cross sectional study by survey.


First questionnaire was sent to 46 RSPA paediatricians working in maternity. Almost one-third of paediatricians who returned the questionnaire said they were not concerned. A second questionnaire was developed with two paediatricians of the CHU and sent to the same 46 paediatricians. The statistical part involved percentages.


Response rates were respectively 61% and 67%. For the first questionnaire, only 25% of the paediatricians knew the antibiotic and the time for injection. For the second questionnaire, 87% were in favour of an administration before incision and 42% thought it will not affect the care of the newborn. For 35% of respondents, it could lead to a change in the duration of antibiotic therapy in cases of perinatal infection and for 13% only a delay in the implementation of antibiotic therapy in children.


The RSPA paediatricians did not know the practices of antibiotic prophylaxis for caesarean section. However, they did not appear opposed to an administration before cord clamping as it would not delay the implementation of any antibiotics in the newborn.
Keywords:  sarienne   Antibioprophylaxie    diatres   Pratiques professionnelles    seau de santé   en pé  rinatalité  
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