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引用本文:李学云,邓凯杰,钟剑明,郭聪锐. 深圳市区域公共卫生应急队伍现状及岗位培训需求调查分析[J]. 实用预防医学, 2014, 0(7): 891-892
作者姓名:李学云  邓凯杰  钟剑明  郭聪锐
摘    要:目的了解深圳市区域公共卫生应急队伍现状及其对岗位培训的需求,分析影响公共卫生应急岗位培训的因素,对培训模式及效果的研究提供科学依据。方法整群抽取区属疾病预防控制中心、卫生监督所及随机抽取区属医疗机构及社康中心从事公共卫生应急工作的技术人员,共对47名人员进行问卷调查。结果 47名人员中参加工作年限平均为12年;中高级以上职称36名,占76.6%;本科以上学历43名,占91.5%;有45人(占95.7%)从事过公共卫生应急工作;需要参加培训的前三位原因:岗位工作需要、个人兴趣、晋升需要;影响参加培训的前三位原因:工作离不开、不知道培训信息和内容不合适;培训方法选择,分别为小讲课(78.7%)、情景教学(72.3%)、示教(63.8%)及小组讨论(57.4%);在培训形式上函授、学历/学位教育、进修和培训项目是最受欢迎的形式;培训内容的需求,超过78%的被调查者认为应以疾病监测理论与方法,现场调查和处理能力,专业技术方案等事项为主。结论基层公共卫生应急队伍的培训应从专业人员学历、职称等特点出发,通盘考虑影响因素,加强培训前期准备工作,合理安排培训形式和内容。

关 键 词:公共卫生应急  队伍现状  培训需求

Current status of the district management teams of public health emergency and investigation on the demand of on- the-job training in Shenzhen City
Affiliation:LI Xue- yun, DENG Kai - jie, ZHONG Jian- ruing, GUO Cong- rui (Futian District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518040, China)
Abstract:Objective To investigate the current situation of district management teams of public health emergency and the requirements of on - the - job training in Shenzhen City and to explore the factors influencing on - the - job training on public health emergency so as to provide scientific evidence for study on the training modes and their effectiveness. Methods Forty - seven public health emergency management professionals were surveyed by questionnaires, including the professionals selected by cluster sampling from center for disease control and prevention and health inspection institute as well as the ones selected by random sampling from medical institutions and community health service centers in Futian District. Results Among the 47 professionals, the average length of service was 12 years. 76.6 % (36/47) of the professionals possessed medium or senior profes- sional title, 91.5% (43/47) had bachelor degree or above and 95.7% (45/47) had experience in managing public health emer- gency events. The top three reasons for the professionals to participate in on- the- job training were job requirements, personal interest and demand for promotion, while the top three reasons affecting the training were to be occupied by working and having no time to participate in the training program, getting no information about the training in advance and inappropriate training contents. More than half of the respondents selected small class (78.7 % ), situational teaching (72.3 % ), demonstration teach- ing (63.8%) and panel discussion (57.4%). The most popular forms of the training were correspondence course, education with record of formal schooling or degree, advanced studies and training programs. As for the demand for training contents, more than 78 % of the respondents gave priority to theories and methods for disease surveillance, field investigation and management, pro- fessional technical proposals and other 7 items. Conclusions To conduct a training program designed for the grass- roots public
Keywords:Public health emergency management  Present situation of team  Demand for training
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