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Isolation and characterization of the C3b-binding entity of C3b-receptor from human erythrocytes
Authors:H.-H. Mussel  T. Ehlen  M. Schmitt  M.D. Kazatchkine  L. Neyses  M.P. Dierich
Affiliation:1. Institute for Medical Microbiology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Hochhaus Augustusplatz, D-6500 Mainz, F.R.G.;1. Clinique Medicale, Hôpital Broussais, Paris, France
Abstract:Applying 2 M KBr, membranes of Ehu were solubilized. By C3-affinity chromatography an activity could be isolated that inhibited the immune adherence reaction and C3b-dependent rosette formation. Since this material did not agglutinate EAC14oxy 23b we termed it monovalent C3b receptor (mC3bR). PAGE and SDS-PAGE and staining with Coomassie brillant blue and PAS reagent revealed a single glycoprotein band with a mol. wt. of 55,000–60,000 daltons and an electrophoretic mobility comparable to ovalbumin. This mC3bR proved to be antigenetically related to gp 205 [17]. The potential of mC3bR to react with C3b-carrying particles was not destroyed by heat and trypsin treatment but by neuraminidase or periodic acid treatment suggesting that mC3bR reacted by its carbohydrate moiety with C3b. As by mC3bR, immune adherence could be inhibited by D-glucose and D-galactose but not by their optical antipodes, L-glucose and L-galactose.
Keywords:EDTA  ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid  PMSF  phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride  human erythrocytes  PBS  phosphate-buffered saline  SDS  sodium dodecylsulfate  mC3bR  monovalent C3b-receptor  I  C3b inactivator  sheep erythrocyte coated with antibody, C1, C4, oxidized C2, and C3  H  factor H of the alternative pathway (earlier termed β1H)  complement receptor-positive cells  gp 205  glycoprotein with an apparent mol. wt. of 205,000 daltons [16] (? C3b-receptor, see ref. 17)  SDS-PAGE  sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gel-electrophoresis  PAS  periodic acid schiff  VBS  veronal-buffered saline  VBS-S  veronal-buffered saline-containing sucrose
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