Abstract: | We reviewed retrospectively 126 (5 male, 121 female) patients suffering from Takayasu arteritis who had been treated in our clinics from 1971 to 1990. The patients' ages ranged from 19 to 80yrs old (1990) with a mean age of 48.7 ± 11.8 years. HLA typing analysis in 98 patients revealed that 45 patients (47%) were confirmed as carrying the Bw52 antigen, a high result that is statistically significant as compared with that in healthy Japanese. Arteriograms (performed in 75 patients) revealed that 28 patients (37%) were affected in the aorta and its main branches by this disease (type IV by Nasu's classification) and 23 patients (31%) were affected only in the main branches (type I). The C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) improved significantly from 2.55 ± 0.28(+) and 57.0 ± 5.69 mm/hr to 0.53 ± 0.12(+) and 31.2 ± 3.45 mm/hr, respectively after treatment including steroid and antiplatelet therapy (P < 0.01).=" patients=" with=" bw52=" exhibited=" more=" severe=" inflammatory=" conditions=" than=" those=" without=" bw52.=" lung=" scintillations=" performed=" in=" 81=" patients=" showed=" pulmonary=" arterial=" lesions=" in=" 50=" patients=" (62%).=" echocardiograms=" revealed=" aortic=" regurgitation=" (ar)=" in=" 44=" patients=" (35%),=" with=" a=" significant=" difference=" noted=" between=" the=" bw52=" positive=" group=" and=" the=" bw52=" negative=" group=" [29/40=" (73%)=" versus=" 11/47=" (23%),=">P < 0.001].=" patients=" with=" bw52=" were=" prescribed=" higher=" doses=" of=" steroids=">P < 0.05)=" for=" longer=" periods=">P < 0.01)=" than=" those=" without=" bw52.=" of=" 11=" patients=" who=" died=" during=" our=" study=" period,=" 7=" died=" of=" cardiac=" complications,=" all=" of=" whom=" were=" suffering=" from=" ar.=" hla=" analysis=" performed=" in=" 6=" of=" these=" 7=" patients=" revealed=" that=" all=" carried=" the=" bw52=" antigen.=" in=" conclusion,=" the=" retrospective=" survey=" revealed=" that=" patients=" carrying=" the=" bw52=" antigen=" showed=" more=" severe=" inflammatory=" conditions=" and=" progressed=" more=" rapidly=" to=" complications=" and=" the=" fatal=" morbid=" condition,=" as=" compared=" with=" those=" without=" bw52.=" this=" suggests=" the=" important=" role=" of=" gene=" disequilibrium=" with=" this=" hla="> |