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A staff support programme for rural hospitals in Nepal
Authors:Mark Zimmerman  Sharada Shah  Rabina Shakya  Bal Sundar Chansi  Kashim Shah  Daniel Munday  Nir Eyal  Bruce Hayes
Affiliation:aNick Simons Institute, Box 8975, EPS 1813, Kathmandu, Nepal.;bDivision of Health Sciences, Warwick University, Warwick, England.;cHarvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, United States of America.
Abstract:ProblemDistrict hospitals in Nepal struggle to provide essential services such as caesarean sections.ApproachRetention of health workers is critical to the delivery of long-term, quality health-care services. To promote retention and enhance performance in rural public hospitals, the Government of Nepal and the Nick Simons Institute progressively implemented a rural staff support programme in remote hospitals. After competitive selection for a compulsory-service scholarship and training, family practice doctors who could do basic surgery, orthopaedics and obstetrics were hired under a binding three-year contract in each participating hospital. Comfortable living quarters and an Internet connection were provided for the resident doctors; in-service training for all staff and capacity development for each hospital’s management committee were provided.

Local setting

Nepal’s mountainous landscape, poverty and inequitable rural/urban distribution of health workers pose barriers to adequate health care.

Relevant changes

Between 2011 and 2015 family practice doctors were maintained in all seven programme hospitals. All hospitals became providers of comprehensive emergency obstetric care and served more patients. Compared with hospitals not within the programme, deliveries increased significantly (203% versus 71% increase, respectively; P = 0.002). The programme recently expanded to 14 hospitals.

Lessons learnt

A package of human resource supports can improve the retention of doctors and the use of remote hospitals. Factors contributing to the success of this programme were compulsory-service scholarship, central personnel management, performance-based incentives and the provision of comfortable living quarters.
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