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Retentissements hydroélectrolytiques et acidobasiques de la chimiohyperthermie intrapéritonéale
Authors:J. Raft  M. Parisot  F. Marchal  S. Tala  E. Desandes  J.-M. Lalot  F. Guillemin  D. Longrois  C. Meistelman
Affiliation:1. Centre Alexis-Vautrin, département d’anesthésie-réanimation, Nancy université, avenue de Bourgogne, 54511 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France;2. Réanimation chirurgicale JM-Picard, CHU Nancy-Brabois, université Henri-Poincaré–Nancy-I, 54511 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France;3. CNRS, centre Alexis Vautrin, département de chirurgie, CRAN, Nancy université, avenue de Bourgogne, 54511 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France;4. Centre Alexis-Vautrin, département de biostastiques, DIM activité médicale, Nancy université, avenue de Bourgogne, 54511 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France;5. Département d’anesthésie-réanimation chirurgicale, hôpital Bichat–Claude-Bernard, Assistance publique–Hôpitaux de Paris, université Paris-VII, France


Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion (HIPEC) is an innovative treatment of the peritoneal carcinomatosis with potential iatrogenicity. This observational study was designed to improve our understanding of HIPEC's impact on the renal and respiratory functions, on temperature, blood cells counts, body fluids/electrolytes and acid-base balance.


We retrospectively analyzed the perioperative care of 20 patients that underwent HIPEC with oxaliplatin (n = 19) and mitomycin C (n = 1). The abdominal cavity was filled with the peritoneal dialysis fluid with dextrose 5%: volume of 2 L/m2. Follow-up for the study was stopped on postoperative day 7.


The main changes were appearing just after the HIPEC procedure: increased diuresis, lactic acidosis, hyponatremia and hyperglycaemia (despite aggressive intravenous insulin therapy). In our series, there was no renal failure or impact on blood cells counts until the 7th day, neither some changes on the arterial blood gases.


Hyperglycemia might explain increased diuresis of lactic acidosis and the rapid installation of hyponatremia. Taken together, these results suggest that glycemic control must be improved in order to avoid the other metabolic disturbances.
Keywords:Chimiohyperthermie intrapé  ritoné  ale   Oxaliplatine   Gestion pé  riopé  ratoire   Hyperglycé  mie   Hyponatré  mie
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