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引用本文:胡蓉,吴蔚,姚晴晴,杨绎嘉,李笑天. 子痫前期合并胎儿生长受限的母儿妊娠结局分析[J]. 现代妇产科进展, 2017, 0(11): 834-836. DOI: 10.13283/j.cnki.xdfckjz.2017.11.030
作者姓名:胡蓉  吴蔚  姚晴晴  杨绎嘉  李笑天
摘    要:目的:探讨子痫前期(PE)合并胎儿宫内生长受限(FGR)的母儿结局。方法:选取591例PE孕妇,按新生儿出生体重分为小于胎龄儿组(SGA组,95例)和适于胎龄儿组(AGA组,496)。随访母体妊娠结局和新生儿结局。结果:与AGA组孕妇相比,SGA组孕妇的胎盘早剥发生率增加,因胎儿窘迫行剖宫产的比率增加(P0.05),新生儿病房收治率增加,住院时间延长,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05);其他孕妇严重并发症包括重度高血压、肺水肿、肾功能异常和HELLP综合征发生率,以及孕期和产后降压药和硫酸镁使用比率均无显著变化,差异无统计学意义。结论:PE合并FGR未导致除胎盘早剥之外母体严重不良妊娠结局的增加,但新生儿不良预后增加。

关 键 词:子痫前期  胎儿宫内生长受限  妊娠结局  期待治疗

The effect of fetal growth restriction on pregnancy outcomes in the setting of preeclamp-sia
Abstract:Objective:To determine whether adverse outcomes were more common in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction compared to those affected by preeclampsia alone. Methods:This was a retrospective study of 591 singleton pregnancies with preeclampsia. Pregnancies with small for gestational age (SGA) neonates (n=95) were compared to those appropriate for gestational age (AGA) neonates(n=496). Maternal and neo-natal outcomes were followed up. Results:Women with preeclampsia and SGA infants were more likely to experience placental abruption (P<0. 05),higher cesarean section for fetal dis-tress ( P<0 . 05 ) . Neonatal ward admission rate and the duration of hospitalization were higher in SGA infants ( P<0 . 05 ) . No significant difference was seen in relation to other severe compli-cations including severe hypertension, pulmonary edema, abnormal renal function and HELLP syndrome. There were no significant changes in the rates of antihypertensive drugs and magnesi-um sulfate use. Conclusions:Preeclampsia combined with fetal growth restriction did not lead to an increase in maternal serious adverse pregnancy outcomes except placental abruption,however neonatal adverse outcomes increased.
Keywords:Preeclampsia  Fetal growth restriction  Pregnancy outcomes  Expectant treatment
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