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引用本文:李静 原志芳 周祎旻 林梅. 低年资护理人员工作满意度现状及模型构建[J]. 天津护理, 2021, 29(5): 509-513. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9143.2021.05.002
作者姓名:李静 原志芳 周祎旻 林梅
摘    要:目的:了解低年资护理人员工作满意度,并构建其结构模型。方法:选取296名正在参加规范化培训的工作年限≤3年的低年资护理人员,采用一般资料问卷、护士职业认同评定量表、护士职业价值观量表、护士工作投入量表以及工作满意度量表进行调查,并构建低年资护理人员工作满意度的结构方程模型。结果:296名低年资护理人员的总体工作满意度平均得分为(21.54±4.57)分,各维度得分从高到低依次为:对同事满意、对工作本身满意、对领导满意、总体满意、对晋升满意、对工资满意。结果显示,就总的效应而言,职业认同对工作满意度的作用效果最强,路径系数为0.741。就间接效应而言,职业价值观对工作满意度的作用效果最强,路径系数为0.376。结论:低年资护理人员工作满意度处于较高水平,其中职业认同感对其总的作用效应最强。建议对低年资护理人员制定规范化的培训制度,注重低年资护士职业教育,引导其树立正确的职业价值观,提升其职业认同感和职业投入,提高工作满意度。

关 键 词:   低年资; 护士;满意度;模型  

The currentsituation and model construction of job satisfactionof junior nursing staff
LI Jing,YUAN Zhifang,ZHOU Yimin,LIN Mei. The currentsituation and model construction of job satisfactionof junior nursing staff[J]. Tianjin Journal of Nursing, 2021, 29(5): 509-513. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9143.2021.05.002
Authors:LI Jing  YUAN Zhifang  ZHOU Yimin  LIN Mei
Abstract:Objective:To understand the job satisfactionof junior nursing staff and construct its structural model. Methods: A total of296 junior nursing staff with a working life of less than or equal to 3 yearswere selected. General information questionnaire, nurse occupationidentification scale, nurse occupational values scale, nurse job engagementscale and job satisfaction scale were used to conduct surveys, and thenconstructed the structural equation model of job satisfaction. Results: Thetotal score of job satisfaction of the 296 nursing staff was 21.54±4.57, andthe scores of each dimension were ranking from high to low: satisfaction withcolleagues, satisfaction with the work itself, satisfaction with the leader,overall satisfaction, satisfaction with promotion, satisfaction with salary.The results showed that in terms of the overall effect, professional identityhad the strongest effect on job satisfaction and the path coefficient was0.741. In terms of direct effect, professional values had the strongest effecton job satisfaction and the path coefficient was 0.376. Conclusion: The jobsatisfaction of junior nursing staff was at a relatively high level, andprofessional identity had the strongest overall effect on job satisfaction. Itis recommended to formulate a standardized training system, pay attention tothe vocational education of junior nurses, guide them to establish correctprofessional values, enhance their professional identity and professionalinvestment, then improve job satisfaction.
Keywords:Junior;Nurse  Job satisfaction  Model  
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