Abstract: | In the present series there were twenty-five patients, twenty-one females and four males. The ages ranged from 19 to 62 years, with an average of 36. The urinary symptoms included frequency, dysuria, malaise, fever, suprapubic, right lower quadrant, right loin and lower back pain. The diagnoses included cystitis, pyelitis, pyelocystitis, pyelonephritis, kidney abscess and nephrolithiasis. Benzochrome was used consistently and in three instances following argyrol instillation, an alkaline régime and methenamine respectively. Benzochrome uniformly gave symptomatic relief and in most cases urinary abnormalities vanished. In a few cases relief was noted despite persistence of pus cells in the urine. Patients were noted to remark about the freedom from burning on urination after benzochrome medication. In the above cases no attempt was made to influence the diet or reaction of the urine. The urines examined were all acid to litmus paper. |