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Induction of reproductive cell death and chromosome aberrations in radioresistant tumour cells by carbon ions
Authors:Hofman-Hüther H  Scholz M  Rave-Fränk M  Virsik-Köpp P
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Radiobiology, Radiology Centre, Medical Faculty, University of G?ttingen, G?ttingen, Germany.
Abstract:PURPOSE: To study the induction of reproductive cell death and chromosome aberrations in radioresistant tumour cells exposed to carbon ions in vitro. MATERIALS AND METHODS: X-ray-resistant colon carcinoma cells (WiDr) were used. Confluent G0/G1 cells were irradiated in vitro with graded doses of 100/200/400 MeV u(-1) carbon ions and carbon ions from the middle of a 1 cm extended Bragg peak, and 200 kV X-rays for comparison. Cells were harvested in their first post-irradiation division and aberrations were analysed either by the Giemsa/Hoechst 33258-staining technique or by the fluorescent in-situ hybridization technique involving whole chromosome hybridization and 4',6-diaminido-2-phenylidole (DAPI)-staining. Whole chromosome probes were used for chromosomes 2, 4 and 5, and the chromosome painting patterns were classified according published protocols. Reproductive cell survival was determined by a standard clonogenic assay. RESULTS: With respect to the induction of reproductive cell death and chromosome aberrations, carbon ions of different energies were more effective than 200 kV X-rays. As expected, irradiation in the extended Bragg peak was the most efficient mode. For cell killing, relative biological effectiveness increased with linear energy transfer up to 2.9. The frequencies of total dicentrics and excess acentric fragments as determined in Giemsa-stained cells were higher in cells irradiated with carbon ions than in cells with X-rays. For 100 MeV u(-1) ions, the dose dependence of apparently simple dicentrics as determined for chromosomes 2, 4 and 5 by single-colour fluorescent in-situ hybridization was linear up to 4 Gy, and linear-quadratic for excess acentric fragments and apparently simple translocations. After irradiation with D=4 Gy carbon ions with energy of 100 MeV u(-1) and from the extended Bragg peak, 12 and 54% of cells displayed complex exchanges, respectively. In contrast, after irradiation with D=4 Gy X-rays, only 1% of cells displayed complex aberrations. Hence, the number of cells with complex exchange aberrations increased strongly after irradiation with carbon ions. CONCLUSION: An increased biological efficiency of carbon ions could be confirmed in radioresistant tumour cells with respect to the induction of reproductive cell death and of unstable as well as stable chromosome aberrations. Relative biological effectiveness reached 2.9 for cell killing by carbon ions from the extended Bragg peak. The yields of apparently simple dicentrics as well as of total dicentrics, i.e. simple dicentrics plus dicentrics belonging to complex exchanges, evaluated in Giemsa-stained metaphases as observed in first post-irradiation mitoses were rather low. In contrast, apparently simple translocations displayed yields systematically higher than simple dicentrics in WiDr cells irradiated with either X-rays or 100 MeV u(-1) or Bragg peak carbon ions. Frequencies o f cells containing complex aberrations increased dramatically after carbon ion irradiation, reaching a maximum for ions from the extended Bragg peak.
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