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PSD-95 in CA1 Area Regulates Spatial Choice Depending on Age
Authors:Anna Cał  y,Mał  gorzata A. Ś  liwiń  ska,Magdalena Zió  ł  kowska,Kacper Ł  ukasiewicz,Roberto Pagano,Jakub M. Dzik,Katarzyna Kalita,Tytus Bernaś  ,Michael G. Stewart,K. Peter Giese,Kasia Radwanska
Abstract:Cognitive processes that require spatial information rely on synaptic plasticity in the dorsal CA1 area (dCA1) of the hippocampus. Since the function of the hippocampus is impaired in aged individuals, it remains unknown how aged animals make spatial choices. Here, we used IntelliCage to study behavioral processes that support spatial choices of aged female mice living in a group. As a proxy of training-induced synaptic plasticity, we analyzed the morphology of dendritic spines and the expression of a synaptic scaffold protein, PSD-95. We observed that spatial choice training in young adult mice induced correlated shrinkage of dendritic spines and downregulation of PSD-95 in dCA1. Moreover, long-term depletion of PSD-95 by shRNA in dCA1 limited correct choices to a reward corner, while reward preference was intact. In contrast, old mice used behavioral strategies characterized by an increased tendency for perseverative visits and social interactions. This strategy resulted in a robust preference for the reward corner during the spatial choice task. Moreover, training decreased the correlation between PSD-95 expression and the size of dendritic spines. Furthermore, PSD-95 depletion did not impair place choice or reward preference in old mice. Thus, our data indicate that while young mice require PSD-95-dependent synaptic plasticity in dCA1 to make correct spatial choices, old animals observe cage mates and stick to a preferred corner to seek the reward. This strategy is resistant to the depletion of PSD-95 in the CA1 area. Overall, our study demonstrates that aged mice combine alternative behavioral and molecular strategies to approach and consume rewards in a complex environment.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT It remains poorly understood how aging affects behavioral and molecular processes that support cognitive functions. It is, however, essential to understand these processes to develop therapeutic interventions that support successful cognitive aging. Our data indicate that while young mice require PSD-95-dependent synaptic plasticity in dCA1 to make correct spatial choices (i.e., choices that require spatial information), old animals observe cage mates and stick to a preferred corner to seek the reward. This strategy is resistant to the depletion of PSD-95 in the CA1 area. Overall, our study demonstrates that aged mice combine alternative behavioral and molecular strategies to approach and consume rewards in a complex environment. Second, the contribution of PSD-95-dependent synaptic functions in spatial choice changes with age.
Keywords:aging   CA1   dendritic spines   PSD-95   social interactions   spatial choice
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