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Pregnancy: Endometrial ultrasonography as a predictor of pregnancy in an in-vitro fertilization programme
Authors:Oliveira, J.B.A.   Baruffi, R.L.R.   Mauri, A.L.   Petersen, C.G.   Campos, M.S.   Franco, J.G., Jr
Affiliation:Centre for Human Reproduction, Fundaç"a"o Maternidade Sinhá Junqueira, Rua D.Alberto Gonçalves, 1500, 14085 Ribeirão Preto SP, Brazil
Abstract:The endometrial pattern and thickness were analysed by ultrasonographyin 139 cycles stimulated for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) onthe day of administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG).A semi-programmed schedule based on the pill + clomiphene citrate+ human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) was used in all cycles.On the day of HCG administration, endometrial pattern and thicknesswere assessed with an Ultramark 4 (ATL) ultrasound equippedwith a 5 MHz vaginal probe. Endometrial pattern I (a ‘tripleline’multilayer) was observed in a total of 105 cycles (76%), andpattern II (fully homogeneous and hyperechogenic in relationto myometrial tissue) in 34 (24%). The incidence of clinicalpregnancy did not differ (P = 0.52) between the groups withendometrial patterns I (23.8%) and II (29.4%). Endometrial thicknesson the day of HCG administration in the group with pattern I(8.4 ± 1.9 mm) was similar (P = 0.96) to that observedin the group with pattern II (8.4 ± 2.0 mm). In addition,the endometrial thickness of the patients who became pregnant(8.0 ± 1.7 mm) did not differ (P = 0.15) from that ofwomen who did not achieve pregnancy (8.6 ± 2.0 mm). Theconclusion from the present data is that ultrasonographic analysisof endometrial thickness and refringency on the day of HCG administrationhad no predictive value for conception in IVF cycles.
Keywords:endometrium/in-vitro fertilization/predictor/pregnancy
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