a Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Academy Erfurt, D(O)-5010, Erfurt, Germany
b Centre Nat. de Transfusion Sanguine, F-91943, Les Ulis, France
In studies on the inhibition of activated protein C (APC) by benzamidine derivatives potent inhibitors of APC were found among anilides of 4-amidinophenyl--aminobutyric acid (Ki = 0.58 μmol/1). Several bis-benzamidine derivatives containing a cycloalkanone linking bridge inhibit APC with Ki values near the micromolar range.
Potent and selective inhibitors of thrombin derived from 3- and 4-amidinophenylalanine do not inhibit APC. This is of great importance for further development of these inhibitors as potential anticoagulant drugs.