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Interleukin-8 during peritonitis in patients treated with CAPD; an in-vivo model of acute inflammation
Authors:Zemel  D; Krediet  R T; Koomen  G C M; Kortekaas  W M R; Geertzen  H G M; ten Berge  R J M
Institution:1Renal Unit Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, The Netherlands 4Central Laboratory of the Netherlands Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:CAPD-related peritonitis was used as an in-vivo model to studyI1-8 during peritoneal inflammation. Eleven episodes were studiedin nine patients, who were followed on 8 consecutive days fromthe start of peritonitis and once after recovery (control).I1-8 was measured in dialysate (night dwells) and serum. TheI1-8 time course was compared to I1-6 and TNF{alpha}. In addition,an in-vivo relationship between dialysate I1-8 and intraperitonealaccumulation of neutrophils was studied. A highly increased peritoneal appearance rate of I1-8 was foundin the acute phase that decreased to control values during recovery.A remarkable parallelism was observed for dialysate I1-8 andI1-6 with respect to the time course and the peritoneal appearancerate. In contrast, the appearance rate of TNF{alpha} was much lessand had a different time course. In three of four cases wherethe dialysate I1-8 peak occurred on day 2, the dialysate I1-6peak still coincided with I1-8, in contrast to TNF{alpha} (always day1). Dialysate I1-8 generally exceeded serum concentrations duringthe entire follow-up, indicating intraperitoneal I1-8 synthesis.A positive correlation was present between the dialysate I1-8peak and the maximal number of neutrophils in dialysate. Thisrelationship was absent for I1-6 and TNF{alpha}. In five of six episodeswhere neutrophils were quantified on both day 1 and 2, the I1-8peak occurred simultaneously with the neutrophil peak. Thesefindings suggest that I1-8 is involved in the recruitment ofneutrophils towards the dialysate during peritonitis.
Keywords:continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis  interleukin-6  interleukin-8  peritonitis  neutrophils  tumour necrosis factor-{alpha}" target="_blank">gif" ALT="{alpha}" BORDER="0">
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