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Gestion des risques et choix de maintenance à l'hôpitalRisks management and maintenance choices at the hospital
Authors:E Soncini  A Petit  
Institution:a Générale de Santé 96, avenue léna, 75783, Paris cedex 16, France;b Hôpital Robert-Debré, service biomédical, 48, boulevard Sérurier, 75019, Paris, France
Abstract:Regulations evolve and risks management becomes one of the biomedical engineers' preoccupations. Thus, risks are various, and consequently it is difficult to identify, to manage and to bring them under control. Furthermore, regulations exist for sectors like healthcare technology monitoring, but it is not the same thing for instance for the risks linked to the maintenance. Thus regulation in the sector of maintenance evolves and the decree of the 1st July law of health safety is going to modify the biomedical environment. The goal of this work is to study the tools and the methods of risks management that have been used for several years in the industrial field and to use them for some biomedical equipment like monitors or IV pumps. These methods adapted to these equipment will allow us to determine some appropriate rules of maintenance.
Keywords:Mots-clé  : maintenance / risque / fiabilité  / analyse des risques / dispositifs mé  dicauxMots-clé  : maintenance / risk / reliability / risks management / medical equipment
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