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Les lésions de la jonction myotendineuse du psoas-iliaque en traumatologie du sport
Authors:J. Laffond  M. Bouvard  A. Lippa  F. Tassery  B. Roger
Affiliation:1. Centre de biologie et médecine du sport, hôpital de Pau, 4, boulevard Hauterive, 64046 Pau cedex, France;2. Imagerie médicale, hôpital de Pau, 4, boulevard Hauterive, 64046 Pau cedex, France;3. 55, rue de Saint-Quentin, 76620 Le Havre, France;4. Quatar Orthopedic and Sports Medicine Hospital, Aspetar, Doha, Qatar
Abstract:The psoas muscle, the main flexor of the hip joint, is highly solicited in sports activities. Sports injuries are however rarely encountered and described. We report a retrospective series of 33 cases of psoas musculotendinous tears at the point where the muscle changes direction over the iliopectineal eminence. History taking is essential to identify anterior hip pain with rapid or progressive onset. The physical examination searches for pain at hip flexion against resistance, observed in 78% of our cases, and a less sensitive sign, pain at muscle stretching. The morphology should be explored with ultrasound, which is highly contributive in the acute phase. MRI can provide complementary information if the injury is older or recurrent. If there is doubt about the diagnosis, the examination should be able to rule out other hypotheses: traumatic injury to the lower tendons, associated or not with bone detachment, abscess formation, or the more widely encountered psoas hematoma. Early management should focus on puncture aspiration of a hematoma associated with selective rest then rehabilitation over 4 to 6 weeks. Chronic and recurrent injuries may require local injections. An analysis of the sports movement should enable a specific management for each sport.
Keywords:Jonction myotendineuse    sions musculaires   Muscle iliopsoas   Sport
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