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Extrapolation: Experience gained from original biologics
Institution:Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
Abstract:Biologicals undergo modifications throughout their commercial lifecycle. Major changes can unintentionally magnify their inherent physicochemical variability. Although trials comparing the pre- and the post-change versions have been requested occasionally, analytical comparison is the most sensitive approach to anticipating clinical equivalence. Therefore, it may be concluded, by means of ‘extrapolation’, that non-identical versions of a given biologic will behave equally in all indications. Despite the lessons learned with original biologics, there are still controversies around the approval of biosimilars through extrapolation. Here, a comprehensive analysis of scattered information allows for an account of cases of original biologic versions approved in some indications with no patient trials involved. Healthcare professionals can be reassured that inasmuch as extrapolation has proven valid for new versions of original biologics, the same holds for biosimilars.
Keywords:Adalimumab  Biologic  Biosimilar  Canakinumab  Darbepoetin  Extrapolation  Manufacturing change  Omalizumab  Trastuzumab  AUC"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k12"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"Area under curve  CHO"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k19"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"Chinese Hamster Ovary  CRF"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0055"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"chronic renal failure  EBC"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0065"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"early breast cancer  EC"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k811"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"European Commission  EMA"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0075"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"European Medicine’s Agency  EPO"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0085"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"erythropoietin  EU"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k711"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"European Union  FDA"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0095"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"US Food & Drug Administration  HCP"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0105"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"health care professionals  HER2"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0115"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"human epidermal growth factor receptor 2  IV"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k61"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"Intravenous  mAB"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k517"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"Monoclonal Antiibody  MAH"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0125"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"marketing authorization holder  MBC"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0135"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"metastatic breast cancer  MCB"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k41"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"Master cell bank  PD"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0145"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"pharmacodynamic  PK"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0155"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"pharmacokinetic  RA"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0165"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"rheumatoid arthritis  rHuEPO"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0175"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"recombinant human EPO  rHuP20"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0185"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"recombinant human hyaluronidase  SC"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k0195"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"subcutaneous  TNF-α"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k311"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"Tumor Necrosis Factor-α  tpCR"}  {"#name":"keyword"  "$":{"id":"k21"}  "$$":[{"#name":"text"  "_":"total pathologic complete response
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