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引用本文:孙嘉政,李洪忠,任国胜. 肠道微生物环境与乳腺癌[J]. 中国肿瘤临床, 2018, 45(17): 912-914. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-8179.2018.17.671
作者姓名:孙嘉政  李洪忠  任国胜
摘    要:人体的肠道菌群是一个庞大的微生物体系,能够保护人体免受病原微生物的入侵,促进免疫系统的发育以及营养物质的消化和吸收,但同时也能诱发各种疾病,如炎症、肿瘤等。乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤,对女性的生命健康造成了巨大的威胁。乳腺癌的发生以及乳腺癌的临床病理特征均与肠道菌群失调密切相关,肠道菌群可以通过调节雌激素代谢和机体的免疫功能等途径影响乳腺癌的发生发展。因此,为能够更深入地研究肠道微生物菌群与乳腺癌之间的作用机制,以及为乳腺癌的预防和治疗策略提供新依据,本文就肠道菌群与乳腺癌之间的相关性进行综述。 

关 键 词:肠道菌群   乳腺癌   雌激素代谢   免疫

Gut microbiome and breast cancer
Affiliation:Department of Endocrine and Breast Surgery, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Molecular Oncology and Epigenetics, The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing 40010, China
Abstract:The human gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by numerous microbes, which form a vast microbial community that could protect the body from invading pathogens and promote immune system development and the absorption of nutrition. An imbalance in the gastrointestinal microbiome might contribute to various illnesses including inflammation and tumors. Worldwide, breast cancer is the most frequently occurring cancer and seriously threatens female health. The gastrointestinal microbiome could regulate the metabolism of estrogen and function of immunity. Previously, a study suggested that the clinical and pathological features of breast cancer are appreciably associated with the imbalance of the gastrointestinal microbiome. In this review, we focus on the latent correlation between the gastrointestinal microbiome and breast cancer, expecting to provide some novel viewpoints in understanding breast cancer. This would be beneficial for better management of breast cancer. 
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