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Effect of Resting in a Chair,Resting with Range of Motion Exercises,and Back Strengthening Exercises on Pain and the Flexion-relaxation Ratio of Computer Workers with Low Back Pain
Authors:Won-gyu Yoo
Affiliation:1) Department of Physical Therapy, College of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Inje University and Elderly Life Redesign Institute, Republic of Korea
Abstract:[Purpose] This study examined the effects of a relaxation chair and resting with simplerange of motion exercises during computer work and low back muscle strengthening exercisesafter computer work on pain and the flexion-relaxation (FR) ratio of one computer workerwith LBP. [Subjects] The subject of this study was a 37 year-old male who complained ofsevere LBP pain at the L4 level. [Methods] In the study, the subject worked on a computerfor 5 h each day for 3 days and followed a different program each day. [Results] InSession 1, the FR ratios before and after work were 19% and 38% (+19%), respectively. Therespective VAS scores before and after work were 5 and 8 (+3). In Session 2, the FR ratiosbefore and after work were 18% and 21% (+3%), respectively. The respective VAS scores were5 and 6 (+1). In session 3, the FR ratios before and work were 22% and 29% (+7%),respectively, and the VAS scores were 5 and 6 (+1). [Conclusion] This study suggests thatit is more effective to perform regular, passive exercises to prevent LBP in computerusers.Key words: Flexion-relaxation Ratio, LBP, Resting
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