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Development of a Mechanism-Based Dosimetry Model for 2,4,4-Trimethyl-2-pentanol-lnduced {alpha}2u-Globulin Nephropathy in Male Fischer 344 Rats
Affiliation:Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology 6 Davis Drive, P.O. Box 12137, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709

Received February 3, 1994; accepted August 24, 1994

Abstract:A mechanism-based dosimetry model was developed to describe2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentanol (TMP-2-OH) dosimetry and renal {alpha}2u-globulin({alpha}2u) nephropathy in the male Fischer 344 rat. Experimental datawere collected to estimate the chemical-specific parameters(metabolic constants, tissue solubility, and oral absorptionrate) necessary to describe TMP-2-OH dosimetry in male rats.The concentrations of {alpha}2u and TMP-2-OH were measured in malerats up to 64 hr after a single oral dose of TMP-2-OH (6, 60,or 600 mg/kg). The model predicted the time course behaviorof TMP-2-OH and {alpha}2u in the kidney, but overestimated their renalconcentrations by two or threefold. Simulations of renal {alpha}2uconcentration were sensitive to changes in TMP-2-OH-{alpha}2u-bindingaffinity and degradation rate of the TMP-2-OH-protein complex.In contrast, simulation of the concentration of TMP-2-OH inthe kidney was most sensitive to the amount of protein present.Oral absorption of TMP-2-OH was dose dependent. The model predictedthat {alpha}2u and TMP-2-OH concentration in the kidney is sensitiveto changes in the rate of TMP-2-OH absorbed after oral administration.This model permitted a more rigorous evaluation than has previouslybeen possible of the combination of protein characteristicsand chemical dosimetry required for the accumulation of {alpha}2u inthe kidney of male rats. The behavior of the model is consistentwith the qualitative aspects of the {alpha}2u hypothesis. However,further characterization of {alpha}2u distribution and renal hydrolysiswill be required in order to fully characterize the hypothesisat the quantitative level.
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