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Negative regulation of central nervous system myelination by polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule
Authors:Charles P  Hernandez M P  Stankoff B  Aigrot M S  Colin C  Rougon G  Zalc B  Lubetzki C
Affiliation:Biologie des Interactions Neurones/Glie, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale U-495 and Université Paris VI, H?pital de la Salpêtrière, 75651 Paris Cedex 13, France.
Abstract:Many factors have been shown to promote myelination, but few have been shown to be inhibitory. Here, we show that polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) can negatively regulate myelin formation. During development, PSA-NCAM is first expressed on all growing fibers; then, axonal expression is down-regulated and myelin deposition occurs only on PSA-NCAM-negative axons. Similarly, in cocultures of oligodendrocytes and neurons, PSA-NCAM expression on axons is initially high, but decreases as myelination proceeds. Importantly, if expression of PSA-NCAM is prematurely decreased in cultures, by either antibody-mediated internalization or enzymatic removal of the PSA moieties with endoneuraminidase N (endo-N), myelination increases 4- to 5-fold. In the optic nerve, premature cleavage of PSA moieties by intravitreous injection of endo-N also induces a transient increase in the number of myelinated internodes, but does not interfere with the onset of myelination. Previously, we showed that axonal electrical activity strongly induced myelination, which could be prevented by tetrodotoxin (TTX), an action potential blocker. Interestingly, removal of PSA moieties does not reverse the inhibition of myelination by TTX. Together, this suggests that myelination is tightly controlled by both positive (electrical activity) and negative (PSA-NCAM expression) regulatory signals.
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