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Effect of the NSAID flurbiprofen on remodelling after periodontal surgery
Authors:Urs Brä  ger,Tove Mü  hle,Loannis Fourmousis,Niklaus P. Lang,rea Mombelli
Affiliation:University of Berne, School of Dental Medicine Berne, Switzerland
Abstract:The aim of the present experiment was to assess the effect of the administration of the NSAID flurbiprofen (Froben®) on tissue healing after periodontal surgery. Sites from patients with the same treatment modality (modified Widman flap) but receiving a placebo drug and sites within each patient not exposed to surgery served as controls. Nineteen patients suffering from moderate to severe periodontal disease were recruited and they signed informed consent forms. These patients required periodontal surgery as assessed at the periodontal re-evaluation. The sites chosen for the study were all diagnosed with PPD ≥ 5 mm and were bleeding on probing. During the healing phase 10 patients received 50 mg Froben® 3 times per day for 30 d whereas 9 patients received a placebo drug. Two sites with PPD ≥ 5 mm after initial therapy and bleeding on probing served as surgical sites, whereas 2 similar sites were not exposed to surgery. The study design was set up double-blind. The radiographic examination consisted of 2–4 standardized vertical bitewings obtained at the periodontal re-evaluation (BL) at 1, 3 and 6 months post-surgically for digital subtraction and computer assisted densitometric image analysis (CADIA). The regions of interest analysed were mesial or distal crestal sites. Minimal remodelling activity was observed radiographically after periodontal surgery in both patient groups. There were no statistically significant differences between the four groups of sites regarding the mean changes in density when analysing the pairs of radiographs 0–1, 0–3, 0–6 months. A frequency analysis was performed to list the number of sites with different ranges of density change. No differences in the distributions of the numbers of sites were observed when comparing the 4 site groups (Kolmogorov-Smirnov, p > 0.05). A significant reduction of the probing pocket depth and a significant amount of clinical attachment gain was noted at the surgically treated sites irrespective of whether the patients had used flurbiprofen or placebo. Whereas the pathways leading to bone resorption in periodontally diseased sites have been shown, in other studies, to be influenced by NSAID, the results of the present study could not justify general administration of Froben® for the purpose of reduction of bone resorption after periodontal surgical procedures in patients with adult periodontitis.
Keywords:periodontitis    therapy    drug    NSAID    clinical parameters    subtraction radiography
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