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A primary demyelinating disorder of young cattle
Affiliation:Wellcome Laboratory for Comparative Neurology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Cambridge.
Abstract:The clinical signs and neuropathological changes are described in six Limousin X calves that, at about one month after birth, showed signs of blindness, nystagmus, rotation of the eyes, opisthotonos, hyperprotraction of the forelegs and, in one case, apparent seizures. Pathologically there was necrosis of the optic chiasma and focal areas of myelin sheath vacuolation or demyelination in certain areas of the brain, especially in the cerebellar peduncles. In one animal, kept alive for 7 months, there was remyelination by Schwann cells of some demyelinated axons in the focal cerebellar lesions, while other axons remained demyelinated. There was no evidence of oligodendrocyte remyelination. The cause of the condition was not determined but a genetic association is likely.
Keywords:Limousin cattle    status spongiosus    demyelination    remyelination    Schwann cells    middle cerebellar peduncle    optic nerve
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