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From antenna to reaction center: Pathways of ultrafast energy and charge transfer in photosystem II
Authors:Shiun-Jr Yang  Eric A. Arsenault  Kaydren Orcutt  Masakazu Iwai  Yusuke Yoneda  Graham R. Fleming
Affiliation:aDepartment of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720;bMolecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720;cKavli Energy Nanoscience Institute at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720;dDepartment of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720
Abstract:The photosystem II core complex (PSII-CC) is the smallest subunit of the oxygenic photosynthetic apparatus that contains core antennas and a reaction center, which together allow for rapid energy transfer and charge separation, ultimately leading to efficient solar energy conversion. However, there is a lack of consensus on the interplay between the energy transfer and charge separation dynamics of the core complex. Here, we report the application of two-dimensional electronic-vibrational (2DEV) spectroscopy to the spinach PSII-CC at 77 K. The simultaneous temporal and spectral resolution afforded by 2DEV spectroscopy facilitates the separation and direct assignment of coexisting dynamical processes. Our results show that the dominant dynamics of the PSII-CC are distinct in different excitation energy regions. By separating the excitation regions, we are able to distinguish the intraprotein dynamics and interprotein energy transfer. Additionally, with the improved resolution, we are able to identify the key pigments involved in the pathways, allowing for a direct connection between dynamical and structural information. Specifically, we show that C505 in CP43 and the peripheral chlorophyll ChlzD1 in the reaction center are most likely responsible for energy transfer from CP43 to the reaction center.

Photosynthesis is the process through which solar energy is converted into chemical energy (13). Photosystem II (PSII), a pigment–protein complex found in cyanobacteria, algae, and land plants, is the site of water splitting and is therefore crucial for photosynthetic function (46). It is connected with a large light-harvesting antenna system that collects solar energy and transfers the energy to the reaction center (RC), where charge separation (CS) occurs. Unlike the antenna system of purple bacteria that has a clear energy funnel, the PSII antenna system has a more complicated composition and a very complex energy landscape (47). These features allow for regulation that responds to rapid environmental fluctuations and protect the organisms in, for example, excess light, while maintaining highly efficient electronic energy transfer (EET) under optimal conditions (8). To understand the intricate interactions between the subunits that allow for the robustness of this photosynthetic system, the first step is to understand how the antenna system is connected to the RC. The PSII core complex (PSII-CC) is the smallest unit in which the RC is connected to the antenna proteins. It is a dimeric pigment–protein complex in which each monomer contains an RC and two core antenna proteins, namely, CP43 and CP47 (1, 7). These core antennas not only harvest solar energy but also act as the crucial bridge between the peripheral light-harvesting antenna system and the RC. Fig. 1A shows the pigment arrangement of the PSII-CC. The RC, consisting of the D1 and D2 branches, binds the following pigments: 1) two special pair chlorophyll a (PD1 and PD2), 2) two accessory chlorophyll a (ChlD1 and ChlD2), 3) two pheophytin a (PheoD1 and PheoD2), and 4) two peripheral chlorophyll a (ChlzD1 and ChlzD2) (9, 10). Despite the similarity between the D1 and D2 branches, CS occurs only along the D1 branch (11, 12). CP43, one of the two core antenna proteins, contains 13 chlorophyll a (Chls) and is located closer to the D1 active branch. CP47 contains 16 Chls and is located closer to the D2 branch (10). Together, these proteins provide highly effective EET and CS, which are key to the high quantum yield of CS in the RC.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.(A) Pigment arrangement of monomeric PSII-CC (whereas it is typically found as a dimer) depicted based on the cryoelectron microscopy structure (3JCU) reported by Wei et al. (10). The pigments of CP43, RC, and CP47 are shown in green, blue, and red, respectively. (B) Corresponding excitonic energy levels of monomeric PSII-CC color coded to match pigments in A (5557). The gray shaded regions in the background represent the three groups based on similar characteristic dynamics. Note that the boundaries between the groups provide only a rough separation region as the dynamical behaviors change gradually along ωexc. The asterisk (for the RC state) indicates an optically dark state.Despite the importance of the PSII-CC, its early time dynamics is not fully understood—specifically the competition between EET and CS (5, 7). This is largely due to the highly congested excitonic manifold (Fig. 1B) and ultrafast EET timescales, which challenge ultrafast spectroscopic techniques. Two distinct models have been put forth to try to describe the function of the PSII-CC. These two models are the “exciton/radical pair equilibrium” (ERPE) model (1317) and the “transfer-to-trap limited” (TTTL) model (1822). An early fluorescence decay experiment (13, 14) suggested that rapid EET allows the excitonic states to reach an equilibrium between the core antennas and the RC before CS occurs (kEET ≫ kCS), which is the basis for the ERPE model. This model was later supported by improved time-resolved fluorescence (15) and transient absorption experiments (16). However, a major discrepancy in this model arose with the measurement of the X-ray crystal structure of the PSII-CC (18). It was suggested that the large distances (center-to-center distance, >20 Å) between antenna and RC pigments resolved in the crystal structure would mean that ultrafast EET between the antenna proteins and the RC is unlikely. A model was then put forth that instead suggested that the EET from the core antenna to the RC is slow compared to CS (kEET ≪ kCS), and therefore, the EET to the trap becomes a kinetic bottleneck (18). This TTTL model was later supported by transient infrared (IR) (19) and time-resolved fluorescence experiments (20, 21) as well as structure-based simulations (22). Additionally, Kaucikas et al. (23) performed a polarized transient IR experiment on an oriented single PSII-CC crystal. The decay of the polarization-dependent signature (50–100 ps) observed in their experiment suggests that equilibration between different subunits is slow, consistent with the TTTL model. However, it has been pointed out that satisfactory fitting of the spectral evolution to this model does not necessarily imply that it is correct (24, 25), especially as others have shown that the EET dynamics cannot be adequately described by a single hopping scheme (26, 27). A recent two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) experiment (28) with improved time resolution has also revealed the existence of ultrafast EET (<100 fs) that was not predicted by theoretical calculations. In their work, Pan et al. (28) attributed the origin of this unexpectedly fast EET pathway to polaron formation. Vibronic effects on the ultrafast EET and CS dynamics of other photosynthetic proteins have also been discussed (2938).The lack of detailed understanding of the PSII-CC early time dynamics, in particular the EET between the core antennas and the RC, highlights the need for further experimental input with the ability to make specific assignments of the dynamical pathways. This, however, requires simultaneous high temporal and spectral resolution, which remains a challenge for ultrafast spectroscopic techniques. Here, we describe the application of two-dimensional electronic-vibrational (2DEV) spectroscopy (3941) to the PSII-CC. The combination of both spectral dimensions provides an improved resolution that allows us to obtain much more detailed dynamical information in complex systems. The excitonic energy landscapes generated by electronic coupling in photosynthetic complexes, combined with site-dependent and charge state–dependent vibrational spectra, allow the resolution along both axes of 2DEV spectra to provide a direct connection between energetic space (via visible excitation) and physical space (via IR detection). This advantage has proven to be useful for the studies of dynamics in photosynthetic pigment–protein complexes (33, 4045). Specifically, the resolution along the electronic excitation axis allows for the separation of the contributions from different pathways, while the resolution along the vibrational detection axis provides a way to identify the protein subunits or even specific states involved in the dynamics. As we will show, this unique feature of 2DEV spectroscopy provides insight into the complex dynamics of the PSII-CC.In the following text, we will show that the sub-100-ps dynamics of the PSII-CC extracted from spinach are highly dependent on the excitation frequency range. The resolution along the detection axis allows different dominant dynamics to be identified. In addition, we will demonstrate how 2DEV spectroscopy allows us to connect the observed dynamics to specific excitonic states. This connection allows us to obtain a more specific pigment assignment for the EET pathways and therefore provides a more detailed understanding of the finely tuned interactions between the RC and the core antennas (specifically CP43, which is closer to the active D1 branch). We will conclude with a comparison between our results and the existing models in order to provide a path forward in the understanding of this critical photosynthetic component.
Keywords:photosystem II   ultrafast spectroscopy   energy transfer   charge separation
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