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摘    要:1.数字作为词素构成定型词、同组、惯用语、缩略语或具有修辞色彩的词句,应使用汉字。例如:二倍体、一氧化碳、十一五规划、十二指肠等。2.邻近的两个数字并列连用表示概数时,应使用汉字,连用的两个数字之间不加标点,如七八公里、五十二三岁、两三家医院等。3.我国清朝以前(含清朝)以及非公历的历史纪年要用汉字。例如:清咸丰十年九月二十日、八月十五中秋节等。4.部队医院编号有"第"字者,其编号用汉字。例如:解放军第三○四医院。5.不定数词一律用汉字。例如:任何一个病人,这是一种免疫反应,无一例死亡。

关 键 词:汉字  概数  部队医院  十二指肠  十一五规划  一氧化碳  免疫反应  惯用语

On How to Raise Employment Level of Higher Vocational Graduates under the New Situations
Abstract:The employment rate of higher vocational institutes is an important indicator reflecting the teaching level,training quality and overall strength of vocational colleges,and represents the level of a series of work in aspects of teaching construction,teaching quality of all majors as well as management and service.Hence,higher vocational institutes should guide graduates to make correct self-orientation of themselves,strengthen employment education,mark the educational features and know exactly their own advantages so as to make graduates succeed in the keen social competition.
Keywords:graduates of higher vocational institutes  employment level  improve
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