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Correlation of heterogeneous blood flow and fatty acid uptake in the normal dog heart
Authors:Dr. A. B. J. Groeneveld  F. C. Visser
Affiliation:(1) Department of Cardiology, Free University Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;(2) Present address: Department of Internal Medicine, Free University Hospital, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:Summary Blood flow heterogeneity in normal myocardium may be caused by heterogeneous metabolic demand. We studied, from 80 tissue samples of the left ventricle (LV) of eight anesthetised, open-chest dogs (with prior beta-blockade (metoprolol) in four dogs), the radioactivity of201Thalliumchloride (201Tl), an indicator of blood flow, and of the fatty acid131-Iodine-heptadecanoic acid (131I-HDA), an indicator of metabolic demand, 3 min after intravenous injection. Global LV uptake (in percent of injected dose ×10–2, per g tissue; mean ±SD) was 4.94±0.71 for201Tl and 4.48±0.58 for131I-HDA in the dogs without beta-blockade, and 2.08±0.26 and 1.69±0.20, respectively, in dogs with beta-blockade (p<0.05). Beta-blockade thus decreased the fraction of cardiac output delivered to the LV, concurrently with a decreased heart rate and arterial blood pressure (p<0.05) and, thus, global metabolic demand and fatty acid uptake. Regional radioactivities per gram were normalized for mean LV radioactivities and heterogeneity was expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV). For pooled data (n=320) in dogs without beta-blockade, regional201Tl and131I-HDA radioactivities varied from a factor of 0.1 to 1.6 and 0.3 to 1.8 of mean radioactivities, with a CV of 22.9 and 19.4%, respectively, and correlated (r=0.77, p<0.005). For pooled data (n=320) in dogs with beta-blockade, regional201Tl and131I-HDA radioactivities varied from a factor of 0.2 to 1.5 and 0.2 to 1.6 of mean radioactivity and CV was 23.6% and 24.8%, respectively: r=0.92 (p<0.005). The endo/epi ratio for both radioactivities exceeded unity in each dog. In normal myocardium, blood flow and fatty acid uptake are thus heterogeneous, both transmurally and circumferentially, and matched, concomitantly with coupling of global blood flow to global metabolic demand and fatty acid uptake. This supports the idea that heterogeneous myocardial O2 supply reflects heterogeneous metabolic demand.
Keywords:Heterogeneity  regional O2 supply  regional metabolism  201Thallium-chloride  131Iodine-heptadecanoic acid  control of coronary blood flow
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