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Amphetamines induceubiquitin-positive inclusions within striatalcells
Authors:F. Fornai  G. Lazzeri  P. Lenzi  M. Gesi  M. Ferrucci  P. Soldani  A. Pellegrini  L. Capobianco  A. De Blasi  S. Ruggieri  A. Paparelli
Affiliation:(1) Department of Human Morphology and Applied Biology, University of Pisa, Via Roma 55, Pisa, Italy;(2) INM IRCCS Neuromed, Pozzilli (IS), Italy;(3) Department of Neurological Sciences, University of Rome, Italy
Abstract:Abstract. The present study explores whether effects induced byamphetamine derivatives on striatal GABA cells might beconnected with effects on dopamine (DA) metabolism.Methamphetamine (METH) and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA, ldquoecstasyrdquo) were administered to C57Black mice following adosage regimen in which various doses of both drugs wereinjected i.p. at 2-h intervals. Neuronal inclusions producedunder these experimental conditions were examined under electronmicroscopy. Drugs reducing DA availability prevented inclusionformation; conversely we observed that increasing DA synthesisor impairing physiological DA degradation enhanced the number ofinclusions. The present study indicates that the presence ofextracellular striatal DA is essential for the production ofsubcellular alterations induced by amphetamine derivatives. Thisis in line with a recent hypothesis connecting striatal DArelease with degeneration of striatal GABA neurons.
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