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Properties of a facilitating calcium current in pace-maker neurones of the snail, Helix pomatia.
Authors:C B Heyer and H D Lux
Abstract:1. Simultaneous measurements of local voltage clamp currents from patches of soma membrane and K activity at the soma surface were used to analyse the time and voltage dependence of the slow inward current in bursting pace-maker neurones of the snail (Helix pomatia). 2. At low levels of depolarization (less than or equal to mV) a net inward current is recorded simultaneously with an efflux of K ions from the cell. 3. With larger depolarizations (20-170 mV from holding potential of -50 mV) the deficit in net outward charge transfer compared with K efflux and the appearance of inward-going tail currents following repolarization, reveal a persistent inward-going current also under these conditions. This inward current is carried primarily by Ca ions, as demonstrated by its voltage dependence (a minimum at about + 115 mV) and its disappearance in Co-Ringer. It is identified with the slow inward Ca current Iin slow (Eckert & Lux, 1976). 4. The inward current predicted from comparisons of current trajectories reaches a maximum at 15-20 msec (for depolarizations from -50 to 0 mV) and gradually declines with sustained depolarization. 5. Partial inactivation is removed by repolarization to -50 mV and the Ca dependent deficit is greater in the sum of repeated voltage clamp pulses than during sustained depolarization. It is largest for pulses of 25-100 msec duration, decreasing as pulse duration increases. 6. Responses to repeated activation with 100 msec pulses with different repolarization intervals reveal a minimum Iin slow at short intervals (e.g. 20 msec) due to failure to remove partial inactivation. At intermediate intervals (e.g. 200-400 msec) Iin slow shows facilitation. This is revealed in calculations of the net charge transfer and current deficits and is also shown in the tail currents following repolarization. The deficit increases progressively with repetitive stimulation. With longer intervals (e.g. 800-1000 msec) defacilitation during repeated stimulation after the first two pulses is revealed in calculations of deficits, current trajectories and in the tail currents. 7. Although facilitation depends on duration of repolarization between pulses, increasing intermediate hyperpolarizations from the holding potential of -50 mV are usually ineffective in increasing Iin slow. Strong preceding hyperpolarization can even decrease the magnitude of Iin slow and prevent its facilitation with repetitive stimulation,whereas preceding depolarizing pulses can increase Iin slow without preventing its facilitation with repetitive stimulation. 8. The properties of Iin slow are contrasted with previously described membrane conductances and compared with properties attributed to Ca fluxes in other systems.
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