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In vitro and in vivo studies of PEO-grafted blood-contacting cardiovascular prostheses
Abstract:The initial step of thrombus formation on blood-contacting biomaterials is known to be adsorption of blood proteins followed by platelet adhesion. Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) has been frequently used to modify biomaterial surfaces to minimize or prevent protein adsorption and cell adhesion. PEO was grafted onto a number of biomaterials in our laboratory. Nitinol stents and glass tubes were grafted with PEO by priming the metal surface with trichlorovinylsilane (TCVS) followed by adsorption of Pluronic and γ-irradiation. Nitinol stents were also coated with Carbothane® for PEO grafting. Chemically inert polymeric biomaterials, such as Carbothane, polyethylene, silicone rubber, and expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE), were first adsorbed with PEO-polybutadiene-PEO (PEO-PB-PEO) triblock copolymers and then exposed to γ-irradiation for covalent grafting. For PEO grafting to Dacron® (polyethylene terephthalate), the surface was sequentially treated with PEO-PB-PEO and Pluronics® followed by γ-irradiation. In vitro studies showed substantial reduction in fibrinogen adsorption and platelet adhesion to the PEO-grafted surfaces compared with control surfaces. Fibrinogen adsorption was reduced by 70-95% by PEO grafting on all surfaces, except for e-PTFE. The platelet adhesion corresponded to the fibrinogen adsorption. When the PEO-grafted surfaces were tested ex vivo/in vivo, however, the expected beneficial effect of PEO grafting was inconsistent. The beneficial effect of the PEO grafting was most pronounced on the PEO-grafted nitinol stents. Thrombus formation was reduced by more than 85% by PEO grafting on metallic stents. Only moderate improvement (i.e. 35% decrease in platelet deposition) was observed with PEO-grafted tubes of polyethylene, silicone rubber, and glass. For PEO-grafted heart valves made of Dacron, however, no effect of PEO grafting was observed at all. It appears that the extent of thrombus formation on PEO-grafted biomaterials was directly related to the extent of tissue damage during implantation surgery. Platelets can be activated and form aggregates in the bulk blood, and the formed platelet aggregates may be able to deposit on the PEO monolayer overcoming its repulsive property. Our studies indicate that the testing of in vitro platelet adhesion should include adhesion of large platelet aggregates, in addition to adhesion of individual platelets. Furthermore, the surface modification methods should be improved over the current monolayer grafting concept so that the repulsive force by the grafted PEO layers is large enough to prevent adhesion of platelet aggregates formed in the bulk blood before arriving at the biomaterial surface.
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