Abstract: | OBJECTIVE: Report for first time in Mexico a case of hereditary mixed polyposis and review the literature. BACKGROUND: The hereditary mixed polyposis syndrome (HMPS) is an uncommon condition, distinguished by presence of a different histological pattern of polyps in digestive tract, clinically manifested by diarrhea, anemia and weight loss. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 38 years old, with familiar antecedent (dead sister) with polyps and gastric cancer. With history of a 1 year with bleeding and mucous diarrhea, and weight loss of a 28.6 pounds. Pale at physical examination, without abdominal signs. At blood test with hemoglobin of 9.7 g/dL, and colonoscopy with multiple polyps within colon and rectum, upper endoscopy with a big esophageal polyp and multiple polyps in gastric and duodenal lining smaller than 1 cm. Contrast study of intestine was normal. Histopathologic study of the polyps report mixed pattern of polyps: (hyperplasic-adenomatous, juvenile-adenomatous, adenoma-inflammatory-hyperplasic, hyperplasic-adenomatous with a high degree dysplasia); juvenile in esophagus, and hyperplasic in stomach and duodenum. Patient was undergone to totalproctocolectomy and reconstruction by "J" ileoanal pouch with good outcome, and endoscopic esophageal polypectomy, with actual surveillance. |