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Cytonuclear interactions affect adaptive traits of the annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana in the field
Authors:Fabrice Roux  Tristan Mary-Huard  Elise Barillot  Estelle Wenes  Lucy Botran  Stéphanie Durand  Romain Villoutreix  Marie-Laure Martin-Magniette  Christine Camilleri  Fran?oise Budar
Abstract:Although the contribution of cytonuclear interactions to plant fitness variation is relatively well documented at the interspecific level, the prevalence of cytonuclear interactions at the intraspecific level remains poorly investigated. In this study, we set up a field experiment to explore the range of effects that cytonuclear interactions have on fitness-related traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. To do so, we created a unique series of 56 cytolines resulting from cytoplasmic substitutions among eight natural accessions reflecting within-species genetic diversity. An assessment of these cytolines and their parental lines scored for 28 adaptive whole-organism phenotypes showed that a large proportion of phenotypic traits (23 of 28) were affected by cytonuclear interactions. The effects of these interactions varied from slight but frequent across cytolines to strong in some specific parental pairs. Two parental pairs accounted for half of the significant pairwise interactions. In one parental pair, Ct-1/Sha, we observed symmetrical phenotypic responses between the two nuclear backgrounds when combined with specific cytoplasms, suggesting nuclear differentiation at loci involved in cytonuclear epistasis. In contrast, asymmetrical phenotypic responses were observed in another parental pair, Cvi-0/Sha. In the Cvi-0 nuclear background, fecundity and phenology-related traits were strongly affected by the Sha cytoplasm, leading to a modified reproductive strategy without penalizing total seed production. These results indicate that natural variation in cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes interact to shape integrative traits that contribute to adaptation, thereby suggesting that cytonuclear interactions can play a major role in the evolutionary dynamics of A. thaliana.The genomes of eukaryotes originate from ancient endosymbiotic associations that eventually led to energy-harnessing organelles: mitochondria, common to all eukaryotes, and chloroplasts in the “green” lineage. The evolution of endosymbionts into cellular organelles was accompanied by massive gene loss, with a large proportion being transferred to the nucleus (1, 2). Nevertheless, mitochondria and chloroplasts retained a few (30–80) protein-encoding genes that play crucial roles in energy metabolism (respiration and photosynthesis). Mitochondrion and chloroplast metabolisms rely on the proper interaction of nuclear-encoded proteins and their counterparts encoded in the organelle genome. Consequently, the genes in nuclear and organellar compartments are expected to be coadapted (3).Cytonuclear coadaptation has been demonstrated by altered phenotypes observed on interspecific exchanges of cytoplasm between related species in mammals (4), yeast (5), arthropods (6), and plants, whose interspecific crosses are frequently successful (7). These alterations affect organelle function and even the organism phenotype, indicating epistasis between nuclear and cytoplasmic genes. Although cytonuclear coadaptation is generally studied at the interspecific level, the existence of intraspecific genetic diversity in organelle genomes suggests a potential for genomic coadaptation within species. A few studies have reported phenotypic effects of intraspecific cytonuclear epistasis in nonplant species (811). In plants, many studies have focused on cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), an impairment of pollen production governed by nucleo-mitochondrial interactions in some hermaphroditic species (12), in particular in crops and their relatives (13). The phenotypic effects of intraspecific cytonuclear epistasis other than CMS have been reported in only a limited number of plant systems (1417), with evidence that cytoplasmic variation contributes to local adaptation (18, 19).In recent years, several studies using reciprocal segregating populations of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have investigated the effect of cytonuclear epistasis on a number of laboratory-measured phenotypes such as the metabolome, defense chemistry and growth (17, 20, 21), water-use efficiency (22, 23), and seed germination (24, 25). Although some studies have reported significant effects of cytonuclear epistasis (17, 20, 21, 23, 25), others have found additive cytoplasmic effects but with weak or no cytonuclear epistasis (22). Each of these studies (with the exception of ref. 25) was, however, based on a single reciprocal cross between two natural accessions, thereby preventing the estimation of the prevalence of cytonuclear epistasis in this species. In addition, although these reports involve adaptive traits (2630), the investigation of the effect of cytonuclear epistasis on adaptive phenotypes in field conditions is, at best, scarce in A. thaliana.Here, following the modern standards of ecological genomics (31), we explored the prevalence of cytonuclear interactions on adaptive whole-organism traits in the model plant A. thaliana in a field experiment. To do so, based on eight natural accessions of a core collection that covers a significant part of the species’ cytoplasmic and nuclear genetic diversity in A. thaliana (25, 32), we created eight series of seven cytolines. Cytolines are genotypes that combine the nuclear genome from one parent with the organelle genomes of another (33). We examined the cytolines and their parental accessions for effects of cytonuclear interactions on 28 field-measured traits related to germination, phenology, resource acquisition, plant architecture and seed dispersal, fecundity, and survival.
Keywords:cytolines, cytoplasm ×   nucleus interactions, fitness-related traits, plant adaptation, organelles
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