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Pregnancy: Laparoscopy: a dispensable tool in the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy?
Authors:Ankum, W.M.   der Veen, F.Van   Hamerlynck, J.V.Th.H.   Lammes, F.B.
Affiliation:Sections of Gynaecology and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Academic Medical Centre Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:Laparoscopy is regarded as the final decisive diagnostic testin suspected ectopic pregnancy. The new non-invasive diagnosticmethods of transvaginal sonography and serum human chorionicgonadotrophin (HCG) monitoring now challenge this pivotal roleof laparoscopy. In this prospective study the diagnostic valueof an algorithm, combining transvaginal sonography with an HCGcut-off level between 1000 and 1500 IU/I (IRP) was tested in208 consecutive women at risk for ectopic pregnancy. Three diagnosticcategories are designated by the algorithm: intra-uterine pregnancy(n = 73), ectopic pregnancy (n = 89), and trophoblast in regression(n = 46). The latter category represents patients in whom nopregnancy could be located by transvaginal sonography, withan initial HCG concentration < 1500 IU/I, declining duringfollow-up. The algorithm has a sensitivity of 0.97, a specificityof 0.95, a likelihood ratio for a positive test of 19.4, anda likelihood ratio for a negative test of 0.03. The describeddiagnostic strategy thus proved extremely reliable in the safemanagement of patients at risk for ectopic pregnancy, and renderslaparoscopy obsolete.
Keywords:algorithm/ectopic pregnancy/serum HCG/transvaginal sonography
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