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引用本文:郑冬梅,王丽,欧小宏,郭兰萍,郝庆秀,刘大会,肖焱波. 三七传统产区和新产区植株农艺性状比较及相互关系研究[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2014, 39(4): 558-565
作者姓名:郑冬梅  王丽  欧小宏  郭兰萍  郝庆秀  刘大会  肖焱波
作者单位:云南民族大学 化学与生物技术学院, 云南 昆明 650500;云南省农业科学院 药用植物研究所, 云南 昆明 650205;华中农业大学 资源与环境学院, 湖北 武汉 430080;中国中医科学院 中药资源中心, 北京 100700;中国中医科学院 中药资源中心, 北京 100700;云南民族大学 化学与生物技术学院, 云南 昆明 650500;云南省农业科学院 药用植物研究所, 云南 昆明 650205;云南民族大学 化学与生物技术学院, 云南 昆明 650500
摘    要:目的:对三七传统产区和新产区的产地环境、植株农艺性状及其药材产量组成进行分析评价,为三七引种栽培和生产区划提供科学依据。方法:在采收期对文山、砚山、马关、靖西等三七传统产地和昆明、曲靖、红河、玉溪等三七新产地的商品三七进行调查取样,对产地经纬度、海拔、土壤类型、地貌以及三七植株叶、茎、根部农艺性状指标进行测量和统计分析。结果:商品三七种植由文山等传统产地大规模向红河、昆明、曲靖等新产区扩展。三七新产区种植海拔较传统产区有大幅提高,在1 800~2 130 m,种植地块选择在中低山斜坡和缓丘的红壤地。三七新产区植株株高、茎粗、地上和地下生物产量等农艺性状指标均较传统产区有不同程度提高,其中根条重、块根重、主根长等农艺指标增加幅度均超过20%。不同产区间比较,红河石屏牛街、昆明石林圭山、红河建水官厅等地所产三七植株高大粗壮、块根和剪口大、支根发达;昆明官渡小哨、广西靖西禄峒、文山砚山江那等地的植株瘦小、块根和剪口小。聚类分析表明,新产区和传统产区交叉聚类,三七产地可分为3大组,其中红河石屏牛街、红河建水官厅、昆明石林圭山3个新产区及传统产区文山砚山干河为三七高产区域。相关性分析表明,三七块根、剪口的大小和质量,同植株地上部分的株高、茎粗、叶片大小、叶重和茎重显著正相关。回归分析表明茎粗、叶片宽、叶片长/宽、叶干重等农艺性状是影响块根干重的主要因子,而株高、叶柄长、叶片长、叶片宽等农艺性状是影响剪口干重的主要因子。结论:三七传统产区的西部和北部,海拔为1 800~2 130 m的中低山斜坡及缓丘红壤地适合种植三七,其中红河石屏牛街、红河建水官厅、昆明石林圭山可作为商品三七的重点引种发展区域。

关 键 词:三七  不同产地  农艺性状  聚类分析  相关分析

Comparison of agronomic traits of Panax notoginseng between traditional cultivated fields and new cultivated fields
ZHENG Dong-mei,WANG Li,OU Xiao-hong,GUO Lan-ping,HAO Qing-xiu,LIU Da-hui and XIAO Yan-bo. Comparison of agronomic traits of Panax notoginseng between traditional cultivated fields and new cultivated fields[J]. China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica, 2014, 39(4): 558-565
Authors:ZHENG Dong-mei  WANG Li  OU Xiao-hong  GUO Lan-ping  HAO Qing-xiu  LIU Da-hui  XIAO Yan-bo
Affiliation:School of chemistry and biotechnology, Yunnan University of Nationalities, Kunming 650500, China;Institute of Medicinal Plants, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, China;College of resource and environment, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan 430080, China;National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medicinal Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica, China Academy of Chinese Medicinal Sciences, Beijing 100700, China;School of chemistry and biotechnology, Yunnan University of Nationalities, Kunming 650500, China;Institute of Medicinal Plants, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650205, China;School of chemistry and biotechnology, Yunnan University of Nationalities, Kunming 650500, China
Abstract:Objective: In order to provide scientific basis for introduction breeding and production regionalization of Panax notoginseng, the environment of producing area, agronomic traits and medicinal material output were investigated. Method: Using field survey sampling at harvest time, agronomic traits indicators of leaf segment, stem segment and roots segment etc. of commodity P. notoginseng, longitude and latitude, elevation, soil type, landform of producing area were measured and observed. Result: The P. notogiseng cultivation was expanding from traditional area like Wenshang to new areas as Honghe, Kunming, Qujing at large scale. Comparing with traditional cultivated fields, the elevation of new fields, which are red soil of moderate or low mountain slopes and gentle hills between 1 800-2 130 m, increases markedly. The agronomic traits of new cultivated fields such as plant height, stem diameter, the ground and underground biomass were better than those of traditional cultivated fields in varying degree. Furthermore, the root weight, taproot weight, taproot length and other agronomic index augmented more than 20%. Comparison among different cultivated fields showed P. notoginseng of Honghe Shiping Niujie, Kunming Shilin Guishan, Honghe Jiangshui Guanting etc. had better agronomic traits, the plant were thick and tall, the taproot and the top of reed were large, the number of root was more. Inversely, P. notoginseng of Kunming Guandu Xiaoshao, Guangxi Jingxi Lutong, Wenshang Yanshan Jiangna were thin and small. Cluster analysis showed that cultivated fields of P. notoginseng which was across clustered by traditional and new cultivated fields can be divided into three groups, including a high-yielding region insist of three new cultivated fields Honghe Shiping Niujie, Kunming Shilin Guishan, Honghe Jiangshui Guanting and one traditional cultivated field Wenshan Yanshan Jiangna. Correlation analysis indicated that the size and weight of taproot and top of reed were significantly positive correlated with plant height, stem diameter, leaf size, leaf weight and stem weight. Regression analysis pointed out that stem diameter, leaf width, leaf length/width, leaf weight were the main factors affecting the dry weight of taproot, and the main factors influencing the dry weight of top of reed were plant height, petiole, leaf length, leaf width and other agronomic traits. Conclusion: From agronomic traits, P. notoginseng in new cultivated fields were more robust than that in traditional fields, but besides the length of taproot, the difference of rest agronomic traits didn't reach the significant level. It is suggested that, in the west and the north of traditional area, the red soil land of moderate or low mountain slopes and gentle hills where the elevation is between 1 800-2 130 m is suitable for cultivating P. notoginseng. Honghe Shiping Niujie, Honghe Jianshui Guanting, Kuming Shilin Gongshan can be used as vital development area for commodity P. notoginseng.
Keywords:Panax notoginseng  different producing area  agronomic traits  correlation analysis
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