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Paradoxical increase of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive retinopetal fibers in the weaver mouse
Authors:Simon A  Savy C  Martin-Martinelli E  Douhou A  Frédéric F  Verney C  Nguyen-Legros J  Raisman-Vozari R
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Neurocytologie Oculaire, INSERM U86, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75270 Cedex 06, Paris, France.
Abstract:Weaver mice undergo apoptosis of the granule cell precursors of the cerebellum and nonapoptotic death of mesencephalic dopaminergic cells during post-natal development. In contrast, the number of retinal dopaminergic cells was transiently increased in weaver compared to control mice [C. Savy, E. Martin-Martinelli, A. Simon, C. Duyckaerts, C. Verney, C. Adelbrecht, R. Raisman-Vozari, J. Nguyen-Legros, Altered development of dopaminergic cells in the retina of weaver mice, J. Comp. Neurol. 1999;412:656-668]. While re-examining the retinas, we observed, in the nerve fiber layer, retinopetal tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive fibers, which were dramatically increased in number throughout development and adulthood in the weaver compared to control mice.
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