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Laparoscopic augmentation enterocystoplasty: initial experience
Authors:Núñez Mora C  Cansino Alcaide R  Alonso Gregorio S  Martínez-Piñeiro Lorenzo L  De la Peña Barthel J
Affiliation:Servicio de Urología, Hospital Universitario La Paz, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. cnunezmora@hotmail.com
ObjectiveTo analyze the initial experience of our group in the realization of the augmentation enterocystoplasty by laparoscopyc approach.Methods and patientsWe describe the augmentation enterocystoplasty technique with ileal segment completely achieved by laparoscopyc approach. We present the cases of two patients suffering from hyperreflexic bladder refractory to medical treatment who underwent this surgery. In both cases the technique was realized without intraoperative complications although it was needed a surgical time of 6 and 4,5 hours respectively. The results after 12 and 5 months were satisfactory in both patients, obtaining a low pressure bladder with a good continence.ConclusionsLaparoscopyc augmentation enterocystoplasty is a complicated technique that requires a great experience, mainly in laparoscopyc suture. It reproduces completely the open surgery and it offers all the advantages inherent to the laparoscopyc surgery.
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