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Polyneuropathie chronique démyélinisante et hypervitaminose B6
Authors:S. Castagnet,H. Blasco,P. Vourc&rsquo  h,C.R. Andres,J. Praline
Affiliation:1. Laboratoire de biochimie et biologie moléculaire, hôpital Bretonneau, CHRU de Tours, 2, boulevard Tonnellé, 37044 Tours cedex 9, France;2. UMR Inserm U930-CNRS2448, université François-Rabelais, 37044 Tours, France;3. Service de neurologie, CHRU de Tours, 2, boulevard Tonnellé, 37044 Tours cedex 9, France
Abstract:We report a 62-year-old patient who presented with a several month history of a peripheral sensory neuropathy with ataxia that was attributed to a chronic immune demyelinating polyneuropathy but was resistant to corticosteroid therapy. Diagnostic workup finally showed a high serum level of pyridoxin related to a chronic intake of oral vitamin medication for several years. We discuss the link between the clinical and electrophysiological manifestations of the chronic polyneuropathy, based on similar reported observations in the literature. This observation highlights the possibility of important long-term deleterious effects of vitamin oral supplementations, particularly pyridoxin.
Keywords:Pyridoxine   Vitamine B6   Hypervitaminose   Polyneuropathie
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