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Pharmacology and Toxicology of Herbs
摘    要:S11StudiesontoxicityofChinesemedicines anddecreasedvirulencethroughthecompatibili tyofherbalingredients LIPeng Tao(CST)(BeijingUniversityofTraditionalChineseMedicine,Beijing100029,China)Beginningfromthereportoftherenalinjuryin ducedbyaristolochicacid,thepoisonoussideeffects ofChinesemedicineshaveattractedmoreandmoreat tentions,whichhaveproducedhugeinfluenceontheprogressoftraditionalChinesemedicines.Itbecomesa vitallyimportantissuetounderstandanduseChinese medicinescorrectly.Thetoxicity…

Pharmacology and Toxicology of Herbs
Abstract:S1-1 Studies on toxicity of Chinese medicines and decreased virulence through the compatibility of herbal ingredientsLI Peng-Tao (CST)(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China)Abstract:Beginning from the report of the renal injury induced by aristolochic acid, the poisonous side effects of Chinese medicines have attracted more and more attentions, which have produced huge influence on the progress of traditional Chinese medicines. It becomes a vitally important issue to understand and use Chinese medicines correctly. The toxicity of Chinese herbal medicines which takes place in recent years, can generalize to 4 aspects: ① improper usage of Chinese medicine properties causes the steady state of body out of balance and leads to the adverse responses of patients beyond the range of indications; ② because of the generalization of “dual modulation effect” of Chinese medicines, as well as the misunderstanding of non-poisonous nature of Chinese herbs, it makes the term of taking medicine unnecessarily long and then causes the hypercorrection or accumulative poisoning; ③ paying much attention to the chemical compositions of patent Chinese medicines while ignoring the impact of processing methods on the property of effective substances in crude drug and the significance of the compatibility of herbal ingredients.
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