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引用本文:任路平,杨亚琴. 杨亚琴运用胸痹桂苓汤治疗上焦肿瘤临床经验[J]. 中医临床研究, 2020, 0(8): 133-135
作者姓名:任路平  杨亚琴
摘    要:肺积、噎膈是中国发病率较高的肿瘤,在中医辨证均属于上焦,上焦如雾,只有阳气充沛才能消散胸中凝结之气血痰瘀,因此宣通阳气是治疗上焦肿瘤的首要治法。在治疗上焦部位的肿瘤,应温阳散结,行气化痰,活血化瘀。气行、血畅、痰消,则瘤自消矣。本文主要探讨胸痹桂苓汤在治疗上焦肿瘤中的具体应用。

关 键 词:肺积  噎膈  温阳  活血化瘀

Experience of Yang Yaqin in treating Shangjiao tumor with the Xiongbi Guiling decoction
Abstract:Lung accumulation and phlegm are cancers with high incidence in China.According to syndrome differentiation,its belong to the Shangjiao(上焦),Yangqi(阳气)is sufficient to dissipate the Tanyu(痰瘀)in the chest.Xuantong Yangqi(宣通阳气)is the primary therapy on the Shangjiao tumor.Treating Shangjiao tumor should be Wenyang Sanjie(温阳散结),Xingqi Huatan(行气化痰),Huoxue Huayu(活血化瘀).The application of the Xiongbi Guiling decoction(胸痹桂苓汤)on the Shangjiao tumor(上焦肿瘤)was focused.
Keywords:Lung accumulation  Dysphagic  Wenyang  Huoxue Huayu
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