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mRNA expression of Fas receptor (CD95)-associated proteins (Fas-associated phosphatase-1/FAP-1, Fas-associating protein with death domain/FADD, and receptor-interacting protein/RIP) in human leukaemia/lymphoma cell lines
Authors:Yoshihiro,Komada ,Hiroto,Inaba ,Yan-Wen, Zhou ,Xao-Li, Zhang ,Shigeki,Tanaka ,Eiichi,Azuma &   Minoru,Sakurai
Affiliation:Departments of, Paediatrics,;Bioregulation,;Clinical Immunology, Mie University School of Medicine, Mie, Japan
Keywords:Fas receptor    Fas-associated phosphatase-1    Fas-associating protein with death domain    receptor-interacting protein    leukaemia/lymphoma cell line
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