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Ultracryotomy: development and application (with examples from the yeast cytology) (author's transl)
Authors:Konrad Joachim Böhm
Affiliation:Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Forschungszentrum für Molekularbiologie und Medizin, Zentralinstitut für Mikrobiologie und Experimentelle Therapie, Jena (Direktor: Prof. Dr. U. Taubeneck)
Abstract:The preparation steps usually necessary for obtaining ultrathin frozen sections of biological material (chemical prefixation, enclosing, cryoprotective treatment, freezing, sectioning, and post-staining the sections for transmission electron microscopy) are submitted to a critical analysis. The application of cryo-ultramicrotomy, in particularly for cytochemical purposes, is reviewed. Fundamental considerations of chemical prefixation and poststaining are supported by examples from yeast cytology. Furthermore, the efficiency of the cryo-ultramicrotomy (electron optical resolution of ultrastructural details) is demonstrated on yeast cells and protoplasts.
Keywords:CHR  Chromatin  CW  Zellwand  E  Einbettungsmedium  ER  endoplasmatisches Reticulum  F  Filamentbündel  K  Proteinkristalle  KT  Kristall-assoziierte Tubuli  M  Mitochondrien  MT  Mikrotubuli der Mitosespindel  N  Kern  NAO  Kern-assoziiertes Organell  NE  Kernhülle  NP  Kernporen  P  Plasmamembran  R  Ribosomen  T  Tubuli  V  Vakuole
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