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The Effects of Perfluorodecanoic Acid on Hepatic Stearoyl-Coenzyme A 1 Desaturase and Mixed Function Oxidase Activities in Rats
Affiliation:*Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Wright Stale University Dayton, Ohio 45435 "{dagger}"Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Toxic Hazards Division, Biochemical Branch, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Ohio 45433

Received January 27, 1988; accepted May 25, 1988

Abstract:The Effects of Perfluorodecanoic Acid on Hepatic Stearoyl-CoenzymeA Desaturase and Mixed Function Oxidase Activities in Rats.VANRAFELGHAM, M. J., AND ANDERSON, M. E. (1988). Fundam. Appl.Toxicol. 11, 503-510. Perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA) causes adioxin-lilce toxic syndrome and alters the hepatic oleate/stearateratio in rats. The acute toxic effects of a single ip dose (50mg/kg) of PFDA on hepatic stearoyl-CoA desaturase and mixedfunction oxidases were studied in male Fischer-344 rats, 14days after dosing. PFDA causes a marked decrease in food intakein rats, resulting in severe body weight loss with delayed lethality(2-3 weeks after dosing). To distinguish the effects of hypophagiafrom those caused by PFDA, pair-fed control rats were used inaddition to ad libitum-fed controls. Stearoyl-CoA desaturaseactivity, responsible for the conversion of stearoyl-CoA tooleoyl-CoA, was absent in both PFDA dosed rats and their pair-fedcontrols at Day 14. Electron transfer through the desaturasesystem was significantly reduced in PFDA-treated rats only,and in these rats there was a significant reduction in microsomalcytochrome an important component of this electron transfersystem. Pentobarbital sleeping times were significantly prolongedin both the PFDA-dosed and pairfed rats, as compared with thead libitumfed controls. This effect was more pronounced in PFDA-dosedrats. Waking plasma pentobarbital concentration was similarin all treatment groups. Hepatic microsomal cytochrome PASOcontent was unaffected. Aminopyrine N-de-methylase activitywas greatly reduced in PFDA-dosed rats. Although pairfed controlsalso had reduced demethylase activity, it was not as pronouncedas in PFDA-dosed rats, and was probably due to the fasted conditionof these animals. Although the mechanism of action of PFDA isnot known, it is possible that PFDA affects microsomal enzymesby altering the structure and/or function of the membranes inwhich they are located, through effects on lipid metabolism.
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